They're trying to force team based game modes with Call of Duty? It'll be where 100,000+ always play Team Death Match, while about 1,000 play those other types of modes.
The one thing I've always wanted was a merge of two regions again. They did it in Gold, Silver and Crystal so why can't we have a game that maybe lets you play in the Hoenn region after Kalos.
While I never cared for "story" in fighting games, this doesn't bother me. I mean it's all about just over the top fun beatin up each other game.
I read through the lines, I think it really is that the Wii U and 3DS HAVE to be the same game. So I say this was an easy way to make an excuse to say the Wii U can't have an advantage.
I'm sorry but I still think the 3DS version was a dumb move and it really does hold back a lot of what could be accomplished on the Wii U. For sale wise yeah, it'll sell better. It just sucks it can't handle as much.
Started playing this game back in 2005, summer of 6th grade. Getting lost from Lumbridge to Varrock. Then the infamous time of getting scammed into the wild and getting killed. Good times back then.
They're just not done with making Street Fighter IV: Super OMEGA Arcade triple remix Mega Ultra edition. With 19 characters disk locked until you buy them as DLC.
Never understood why the keyboard just couldn't of been included in the first place. I mean they advertise with it, might as well package it along with it.
Jaw7765's comments