I'll be honest, I was really upset with how Final Fantasy XIII felt. Yeah it was linear but so was Final Fantasy X but at least that had a feel to it. I just thought that Final Fantasy XIII took away some aspects that made it more of a run on cutscene with a battle at the end. Final Fantasy XII-2 at least added more. Final Fantasy VX at least adds more now that it has become its own entity now than being another spin of XIII. Course, that combat is like Crisis Core.
I don't doubt that the console will pick up steam later on in its life. However, it'll most likely be when a price drop happens. I can see Microsoft abandoning a lot of these so called features in the future to help raise up the demand and clear controversy. Because right now, Microsoft is no where in a position to talk when you have millions thinking they're buying just another cable box when they look at in the games section.
Microsoft still has complaints of the red ring, every time Sony has the network down for a day I'm sure people call up thinking it'll be another black out. However, I don't follow those numbers, they're only estimated numbers. Even so, an interesting article especially with the fire Bioware has been getting for the past weeks. Random note: THQ? I wouldn't think they'd have many issues.
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