Looking for a coupe of games. First I need something for racing, I like street racing games, and like to play online,
2nd, I need a really good RPG, I dont like the feel of fallout 3, but the Mass effect games were really good, I am interested in cartoony type characters, not like fallout 3 i didnt like the style of that.
3rd Somethign with gore fast paced guns, multiplayer is a plus
4th action adventure type game, i was looking at singularity this may fit here what i want.
5th an open world game go anywhere do what i want like gta or crackdown.
Off the top of my head, I can recommend you Deus Ex: Human Revolution (great game!) for Action/Adventure and inFamous 2 for Open World and Resistance 3 for your fast paced guns experience with multiplayer.
If you can wait, get Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for your RPG fix and Shadow of the Colossus and Ico Collection for another Action/Adventure.
I'll do some research for your other genres.
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