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JediNaruto Blog

The Jedi Council Union has reached 1000000 views!!!!!

We are the second union in the history of GS to acheive this milestone!! If you are a fan of star wars, or nonsense in general, juts look us up and join us!

Disclamer: JCU is not responsible for ripped pants, gay jokes, bodily harm or any other horseplay that mayturn your brain to mush.

Level 26: Cyber-lip!

Yep im lvl 26. What is a cyber-lip anyways? Not much to say in this blog I got The Force Unleashed and love it, and plan on getting Fable 2 next. Join the Jedi Council Union!

Officer promotion and other cool stuff!

Hey people, i have recently been promoted to officer of the jedi council union, arguably one of the best unions on gamespot. If you havent already, sign up today. Theres always a good debate going on. Also, i hit my 4000 post today and got to level 24. So yeah ill be around the JCU. See ya.

Sony's presentation was by far the most impressive of the three.

It was just great. The perfect amount of new software, hardware ect.. A great game line up like resistance 2, GoW 3, DC online, Little Big Planet ect.. and it had good effects. I am amazed that they are continuing to support the Ps2 this late, i wish microsoft couldve been so kind with their Xbox. What did you think?

What game should i buy next?

Yeah, there are alot of games i want but i want to see what others reccomend. Im looking for 360 games and i dont have Gears of War, Mass Effect, COD4, GTA 4 ect.... Those are all possible choices but i hear Unreal Tornament 3 is good.. What game would you recomend i get next?

KOTOR III may yet be an MMO.......

On July 3rd, 2008, LucasFilm filed for trademarks for the following:

  • Star Wars The Old Republic
  • Star Wars Sagas
  • Star Wars Legends

The trademarks have been registered for "Entertainment services provided on-line by means of global and local area networks, namely, providing interactive computer game software, interactive video game software and interactive computer games and interactive video games, all on-line by means of global and local area networks"

You can view a screenshot of the trademark for "Star Wars the Old Republic" here. It is important to note that these trademarkswere registered inthe sameway as the trademark for "Star Wars Galaxies". These are officially registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. It appears that at least one of these titles may be used to create a new online Star Wars game. "The Old Republic" title makes me think about that KOTOR MMO everyone's been talking about.

Credit for the screenshot and discovery of "The Old Republic" title goes to the website

From: EUcantina.

On other news, BF III was being worked on since 2006.

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