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JediNaruto Blog

Halo 3 (did it deliver?)

I dont have halo 3 but ive played it at my friends house. Its everything i could have expected and more. I love forge mode, (my friend one time threw a tank at me and killed me it made me lol). The acheivements are really cool, my favorite thing is all the customizeable armor. So did halo 3 do it for you?

White PSP!!!

I finally got a psp!! Its white with darth vader on it!! It came with star wars batllefront renegade squadron which is a very fun game! I plan on getting R and c size matters and Shin Budokai.


Wow. Thats all i can say. This movie was amazing. I already expected it to be good but it blew me away. The characters are great, the story keeps you on the edge of your seat, the music is dramatic, and the transformers were so realistic. What are your thoughts or expectations about this movie?

Ultimate Ninja 2!

I just got this game and i think it is way better than the original! What are your thoughts? Rate it on a scale of 1 to 10.


Halo 3

The new Halo game looks Hella cool! did you guys see the new trailer? his sheild that blocks the wraiths blast is damn strong.
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