I know I am...it is release at 1am PAC 4 am Est right? Gosh I would stay up if I were on the west coast but since I am in Ohio and on eastern time looks like I'll wait til after work to d/l it! grrr
LOL, I have the same problem with my wife DVRing soaps, plus she's a Rachel Ray nut, so I get to hear that all night. God bless headphones and VGA cables!ch2423
I hate sport games! I wouldn't even rent it for the achievement, unless its $2 AUD dollars weekly which is highly impossible for a dozen of years.Alpha172
ya with the challenges, if you fail, you have to redue them to pass. So either way your going to keep doing them until you you finally beat it. I love the game. And i hop you do to! glad i can help!blackdog144
Damn...Best Buy was sold out!! GRRR I was going to buy it from there because I have a $50 gift card!!! GAH! Well the guy said he expected another shipment in tomorrow! GRR
i just bought the game. The rookie challange is very long and repetative. So is the whole game basically. Pitching and hitting and esspecially fielding get on my nerves. I can now hit a home run with basically every swing. And on top of that the oposing team can steal home runs like no other. The pinball is very fun though. I love the game but for me its only fun when i play it in short bursts.
Right now though im just playing for the achievments, some of them are hard like 15 perfect pitches in a row. Other then that i love it.
Do you have to redue the challanges if you do not pass them the first time?
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