JesterSage's forum posts
I know many people think Wii Zapper is a idiotic move. Well, aside from gamers quite a bit parents agree, but not in the way we think...
And this comment just takes the cake:
he problem with todays video games is that they are too realistic. The games of the 70s-80s were so unrealistic that it wasn't a problem. Look at all the school shooting since the mid 90's when video games became life like. Why are we allowing young people to become proficient with guns on these simulators that are marketed to kids these days? It is a real problem that should be controlled by lawmakers.
If wii is considered "too realistic", what does that makes 360, PS3 or the next gen (after this one) ?
I would hope that, like many of the joystiqers, also signed up and paste comments lambast their stupid editorial.
Or what they don't need: the existing marketing team.
This especially true with Lair. If they just suck it up, later reviewers may rate it not unlike Red Steel (which both suffered from the same problem of bad motion controls): not good, but ot too bad. But when the company tell the reviewers how to do their jobs, all it does is introduce bad faith between the two groups.
But in general, Sony overall is okay toward its core base, more so than Nintendo (who basically say they do not care about the western core, but only the japanese...), but it seems that everytime somethgn good happen to PS3, Somny decide to knock it down.
Final fantasy VII
All my friends said it was the "best game ever" so i played it and it was so crud
Well, he means "general public", and just because you dislike J-RPG doesn't mean it is bad. Kind of like Brainage. mainstream liek it doesn't mean you do.
But speaking of FF, I think FF9 and 10 rank. But still better than "Did Not Finish"
Interesting no one on this thread cares. The difference is huge. 30 fps is just fine and dandy, but there's nothing like 60. You can shove a game full of shaders and neat effects to create a stunning Slide Show of the Gods, but a game is only beautiful in motion. Frames-per-second is motion, and the better it moves, the better it looks. And plays. It's why Call of Duty 4 amazed so many. You can say Crysis has better graphics, and I bet you'd be right to say it has more great-looking technology under the hood, but CoD4 gives it a run for its money because... and really only because of its frame-rate, and that says a lot about frame-rate.
Even though I only have a Wii, I agree. Both Wario Ware and Metroid 3 (and some others) are 60FPS, which, for gaming purpose, will just seems smoother.
However, 30FPS, or even 24FPS, is just better for artistic/nogastic reasons. NTSC actually is 30FPS, and movie are 24FPS. doing those two, in a proper setting, can actually makes you feel closer to being in it (eg Film noir games). For those, 60FPS will actually ruin the game. On the other hand, sci-fi is a lot better at 60FPS.
I think it is time for the developers to just consider FPS as a benchmark; they should use it artistically. Perhaps having a current in 60FPS, then in flashback, use 30 or even 24.
One forseeable consequence I saw is that it prove that gamers will be bad no matter what, and will eventually equate them as drugs... though honeastly, I do think that it's no different from liquor; moderate amount is good. Excessive of gaming is bad.
Unfortunately, that's basically what hardcore gamers are, using game as a lifes t y l e which depend on how you spin it, is equate to excess. Even worse is that this "hardcore gaming is a lifes t y l e" is not from mainstream, but from hardcore gamers itself.
So i can see a long term reprocussion of this. This is even worse than Columbine, or VT, because now it's not a psychopath, or two teenagers. It's parents, people who are suppose to govern thaeir kids. In the past, we have all trying to say that parents should be responsible... but now, mainstream can use the argument that gamers will never be responsible, and should be nibbed in the bud before they "screw up" the society.
Now, as much as I dislike JT, I do have to appreciate the fact that he troll around blogs and MSB to find evidence by gamers. Everything that is consider as positive things by hardcore gamers can easily be twisted against us. For example, "gaming is a lifes t y l e", "we don't like wiifit", etc can easily translate into "gaming is same as alcoholic", "gamers have weight problem." Heck, I would not be surprise if they refer to hardcore gamers as "gameholic."
Right now, I can only hope that they will see it more of alcohol than drug, since at leats alcohol, you can get some of them, while if they see it as drug, they will ban it forever.
The future is bleak.
Now, I am a Nintendo fanboy, so I could be bias.
After this week, I began to notice that all three companies have the following faults:
Nintendo: Either that the executives (includign Miyamoto) are too childish, still stuck in the 80s, living in a cloud, or they are willing to sacrifice hardcore crowd for causal. now don't get me wrong; I like WiiFit, but I am starting to wonder when are they going to be a mere interactive entertainment company instead of a game company. Then again, I attribute that none of the Nintendo elites are rockers. Good thing we still have Suda 51 for introducing Punk in Wii.
Microsoft: Their good old bug-prone business tactic is basically nothing new (hello... Windows?). That being said, I am certain that, with a completely new arcitecture, in a different market, they could haveditch the ol' bug-prone images. Instead, RRoD replaced BSoD. I am surprise no hackers try to make a virus for it (PopSci compared taking down MS stuff with taking down death star)
Sony: Where does these people learn their marketing and mangement skill? We all know about the numerous questionable marketing status, and now the "price drop". By itself, it would seem normal, especially if you consider it as a computer (yes, this kind of price job is normal in PC, with one every 6 monthes), but as a console, this price drop feels like a switchawoo, and you have to wonder if they will drop the price of 80GB unit after 60GB sold out. At least PSP is a definite great news.
I still see this as probably performing very well in sales, and possibly even being relatively consistant in sales.Furthermore, for some of the conditioning exercises, you don't need to break a sweat to gain benefits from the workout, as you are more or less working focusing control and strength in specific muscles and such. Again, we don't know the full range of activities for the program yet.
I will say that it will not do well... in North America and Europe. It will do wonders in Japan. So basically, It's the inverse situation more or less with 360, which do well in Europe and America but not in Japan.
And honestly speaking: how effective is brainAge? For us normal folks, not so much. But for people who are getting old and feel their brains going (meanign middle age people), brain age may actually be good.
The problem you have to remember is that people see games as either kiddie or murder simulator, and never some middle ground. As of now, Wii Sport is the only thing that seems to be on the mind in mainstream.
I will agree with the saying that they alienate hardcore gamers, but this flop? Not by a long shot; not when politicians and soccer moms see GTA as a police killing simulator.
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