Well considering what the specs are and how good that tech demo looked, it's safe to say that no game will hit that level of graphical fidelity on the Wii U.
You also have to remember that the demo had absolutly no gameplay and was in a tight, controlled room.
We have absolutely no idea what the specs of the Wii U are thus its impossible to say what Devs will and will not be able to pull out of the console. From rumors where looking at something 3x and 5x times the capability of current HD hardware. I don't see how fidelity equal to that Zelda demo will be impossible unless the final specs greatly under perform. There have been enough positive comments for individuals to cautiously optimistic regarding the Wii U's graphical capabilities. The next Xbox and PS are more than likely going to be noticeably more powerful, but that doesn't stop Wii U being more than a modest step forward in hardware.
Rumors are just rumors, there are many things to consider though
1. Wii had hardware far behind its time of release, i mean far far behind, so WiiU could essentailly have the same logic behind it
2. A screen pad is super expensive and to have a nice market price so they dont scare customers away would mean that they would probably have to use low PC hardware, up to mid range at best case
3. Not all PC hardware is strong today, there is still hardware that wont run Withcer 2 or Crysis 1-2 as good as xbox 360, mainly the low end video cards
So, until Nintendo comes up with price and final specs, i cant really say WiiU will actually be 3-5x more powerfull and TBH beeing 3-x more powerfull in a PC era that video cards are 10-15x more powerfull than consoles is not exactly a huge achievement and the impact in games may not be as big as believed
Of course rumors are rumors that's why I said its ok to be cautiously optimistic not willy nilly in regards to the WiiU's capabilities. That said from supposed leaks to majority of the hardware rumors in general all point to the alpha and perhaps second gen dev hardware all having a GPU within the 4000 series of GPUs within a specific range. There has been too much consistency to merely ignore.
1. Statements from Nintendo make me think they regret many of their choices regarding the Wii's hardware. They certainly don't regret not jumping into the deep end with Microsoft and Sony, but I do believe they think having more comparable hardware in features would of afforded them better support.
2. From all accounts I've found the tablet controller likely isn't super expensive. Its likely mostly a dump terminal with majority of the costs coming from the touch screen and the battery. There's a lot of vagueness regarding the patent, but I doubt it will end up costing much more than $50 to manufacture if that. Considerably more than your average controller's manufacturing cost, but when you understand that the WiiU has no internal hard drive like its competition will it likely more than evens out.
3. Certainly not all PC hardware is outragesly strong today. I'm running my computer merely using my motherboard's integrated card since my power supple went out and its no where near as capable as a xbox 360. Still hardware has progressed and the price to Nintendo to utilize significently more powerful than PS360 hardware isn't overly expensive. Really nothing regarding current rumors even on the high end is expensive.
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