Love my Super Nintendo, cheap reliable still fun to play 20 years later can still buy used games, get an online service for that and re release it, it will out sell all these over rated TV wanabees
@blackothh @Jimac1888 Why not? my point is that if the firmware get customized i will buy one get it chipped flashed what ever the term is and learn how to download and burn game discs screwing all the money worshipers out there
@gamer20482 Yeah tie it to your account so you and you alone can use it, all about the money. It just means you pay cash for the game but its attached to your account so your paid subscription owns it not you, imagine buying a DVD/Blu Ray and your friend or family member asked to borrow it and then they had to pay to get the disc to play i mean really it makes me LOL at the thought. cha-ching M$ laughing all the way to the bank
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