... It has won over my wife. That's right! My wife actually wants us to have a Wii. It's amazing, I know.
For those of you who don't know her, she is not exactly the type of person you would call a "gamer". Sure, she played the classics when she was a wii little girl (he he), but she gave up gaming back when the Berlin Wall fell. (News Flash: The Berlin Wall has fallen and the U.S.S.R is no more... so get out of your bomb shelter).
But! BUUUUUTTTTTT! (excuse me) Today. I announce...! That I showed to her. FOR the FIrst TIME.... duh duh DUHH!!! Her FIRST Wii Video... AAAAAAANNNNDDDD>..... (drumroll PLEASE...) ...................................................................................................................................................................................................
Ok, so maybe she wasn't jumpin' from her chair and knocking on all the neighbors doors and calling all her friends and stuff, but she SMILED!! Whooaaa hoooooo!!!! That says A LOT! Serious, man. I just about DIED!! WOW.
Ok, joking aside (and now I'm being serious), my wife's reaction to the Wii game compilation video that I showed her strengthened my belief that the Wii is going to do really, really well. For the whole video she was really quiet and I just let her watch, commenting myself every so often to point out something minor. ... ... but let me tell you. When she saw Mario Galaxy, she said, "That Looks FUN!!". I said, "It's Mario!"... she said, "yeah, that looks REALLY good!" (meaning, for the first time, she might actually want to play it!) She's seen me play Windwaker... no such reaction. But Mario is the man, apparently.
And, when she saw Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, that's when I knew that we had a hit on out hands! She really, realy likes those types of games (and thought the Japanese girls were cute) and she was amazed at the technology behind the Wii controller. The first time she saw it in the video she was like, "they can do that now!??! That's REALLY amazing". I told her Wario Ware was sort of like a party game, kind of like "Catch Phrase" or "Outburst" or any of those games that you play with your family. She "got it" at that point. I told her that this was the direction that Nintendo was going in (without neglecting the "core" gamers of course) and she seemed to be happy and understanding of that.
OK, well. I'm totally stoked. I'm excited that I will be able to share with my wife, in some degree, the fun that I have playing games. It is about "we" after all, isn't it? (ahhh, how sweat..)
I also told her that we could play Dr. Mario again and she was happy about that too, but I think she's more of a Tetris fan. I guess you can't win them all.
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