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Jimbones0 Blog


Hi, anyone that was wondering if I was going to come back, well here I am.  I got my internet connection back and it's only because some stranger out there has chosen not to have a secure wireless internet connection.  So yeah, I'm mooching off of some person out there and they don't even know it!!  Ha HA HA HAA!

Well, this won't last for long though because, being the law-abbiding, ethical citizen that I am, I will be setting up a new connection on my own in the near future.  So don't ya'll go calling the cops on me or anything.

Sayonara Gamespot...

As of Friday, I am losing my internet connection for an undetermined length of time.  Until I figure out a new internet plan, I guess this is good-bye to yall and to this site.  But, I promise, I SHALL RETURN.  I guess it's not the end of the world, since gaming news is so slow right now.  I'd just better get the ball rolling before things get interesting again, and definately before TGS.

So, see yall later, and don't touch nothin' till I get back!

Just beat Metroid Prime again...

...for the fourth time I think (sort of lost count).  I gotta say, the final boss fight is just as intense as the very first time I played it and still stands as probably the best final boss fight in all of gaming, in my book.  What a great game.

So, now I'll probably play through Metroid Prime 2 again and I never gave Windwaker a second runthrough so I'm definately doing that.  I'm considering getting RE4, but that game is just looking way too gorey for me.  It's not that I can't handle it, it's just that THAT much gore is a little off-putting to me.  Paper Mario 2 just dropped in price, so I might get that instead.  ... OR.. I should just be saving for a Wii.  Decisions, decisions.

Level 21!

I don't know about everyone else here, but reaching level 21 took FOREVER!!  What's up with that?

Wii... here's what I think.

Here's my opinion.. At first glance I hated it.. Then I laughed out loud and said "Nintendo is DEAD!!!" Then I went into denial and ate half a bag of Cheetos... With those Cheetos I read a little bit more info and watched the "Wii" video... My depression started to fade and the name started to sink in... Then I started to realize many reasons it's a GOOD name! Here they are: 1. Saying to a friend "you wanna see my Wii?" will get you a swift kick in the crotch... But saying "Nintendo Wii" sounds a LOT better. Problem solved. 2. It's easy to remember, easily pronounced, and VERY distinctive and unique (ala Amazon, Google, I-pod, etc.) 3. If it catches on, the distinctiveness of the name could help the system become a household name. It also doesn't sound like your ordinary game system to non-gamers (i.e. grandma), but sounds enough like a game system to us gamers when you say the full name: Nintendo Wii. So it could appeal to everyone. 4. With the right design, it's a pretty cool looking name. And the two ii's can look like drumsticks, guns, spatulas, whatever. 5. Saying "Nintendo Wii" has a nice ring to it. It rolls off the tongue well. 6. In just about 2 weeks we will see the Wii in action, and the name might even correspond with some unique system feature that we're not aware of yet. I got a feeling. 7. It's a short name, at just three letters, and will fit nicely and look good just about anywhere it's placed, whether it be on the console, game boxes, or what have you. 8. Easily pronounced in any language (although the Japanese have a hard time with it, so I read. Maybe it's not such a great reason after all). 9. It's Nintendo's #5 console... if you split the W in half it makes two roman numeral Fives. Intentional? Either way, it makes good animation possiblilites for commercials or whatever. 10. Wii... we... us... nosotros... me and my friends... ... ...it's Wi-fi!!! Most of the time on the console, for me anyway, will be sent playing SSBW online. And everytime I play I will think of "we", as in the people I am playing with. Obviously, the "we" connotates the connectedness of the gaming experience. This is my favorite reason of all. Well, that's it for now. At first glance I hated it, but it has QUICKLY grown on me after giving it some thought. My only worry is that the general public and most gamers out there might not think twice about it and just think "Nintendo Waaaa?" and people might be turned away. We shall have to wait and see.

DUUUUUDE!!! Surprise! I got GUILD WARS!

It was my Birthday on Sunday (didn't want to make a big blog-announcement about it 'cause I don't like a lot of attention), and it was a very nice family affair for most of the day with my wife, and later in the day with my parents and aunt. So, great day, no complaints. Got some nice birthday money (ya'll know where that's going!) and some other swell gifts... great day. :) I didn't really tell a lot of friends about it; except for one and he came over tonight just to hang out. Well SURPRISE. He showed up with a present! How nice is that! And it was none other than Guild Wars! And on top of that, he included a cool headset that's used for talking live with your friends during the game!! Awesome. I'm really excited about it. What a nice thing to do, right? Well, I try to not be selfish and his birthday was on February 3rd (I missed it, of course), so I went out to Walmart before he came over (I had a hunch he was bringing a present) and I went and picked up Halo for PC for him. He loves that game and I'm surprised he never bought it himself. So yea, we'll be questing together on Guild Wars and blowing each other up on Halo, while still being able to verbally insult each other! Life is good.

Yeah for me! *pops some champaigne (sp)*

I got the "good taste" emblem! (Hence, the champaigne). I was wondering what was taking so long, because my collection has been over 8.5 for a while now. So yeah for me. I'm going to throw a party for myself, and anyone who reads this is alowed to join me if you'd like. For some reason I feel like having lobster and wine... (I don't drink, but that's beside the point.)

Blog #142

OK, I'm not really counting actually. But I couldn't think of a title and it's been a while since I wrote in my blog. Nothing much going on right now. Sorry if this is boring. I'm just stuck in WindWaker (stupid pictograph sidequests) and I'm kind of not allowing myself to play other games until I figure it out. And I'm reluctant to use a FAQ. So that's what I mean by "nothing much going on". Because if I never figure this out, I just may never play another game as long as I live. JK. So, Windwaker is a great game, as is mario Power Tennis, and why in the world is everyone BLAZING through the levels these days!?! I was just level 17 last week and now I'm 19! Makes me feel old.

What Happened!?!

OK, I was just level 16 last week... and now I'm level 17 at 76%!? How did that happen so fast? Honestly, I wasn't even paying attention and all of the sudden I look up and I'm "Minus World". It's good news, I guess, albeit a little mysterious that I didn't even notice that I was closing in on level 17. Very strange. Very strange indeed. And to add to all of this strangness, I was just flipping chanels and that Twighlight Zone episode was on where they draw a chalk outline on a wall and they can walk through it to get to the fourth dimension, it's a very creepy episode... are these events related?... ...is the TV trying to tell me something?

A Day without GAMESPOT.

WHOA HO! Shockingly, I DIDN'T FIND THE TIME YESTERDAY TO LOG ONTO GAMESPOT! It's unpresidented, ladies and gents. As this rarely occurs, I will need to spend some extra time here this weekend to compensate for my lack of posting/progress. I feel so out of touch! What's happened in the world of games since I've been gone? Maybe, just maybe, Nintendo has revealed something more about it's much anticipated next-gen console the Nintendo Revolu... ...uh... nope. Didn't happen. BIG surprise heh? Oh well. It's back to posting on the Gamecube boards.. "who's your fav SSBM fighter???" YEAH!!