I think this review was a fair assessment of the game. I would also give it an 8 in its current state, with the potential of a 9 if they improve the DZ rulesets and add some good mission variety/set pieces in their DLC.
I really enjoy the firefights with friends. It is frantic and rewarding to succeed. And loot based games have that added excitement of seeing those color beams.
Being nitpicky, I'd like more variety in npc voice overs ("They got Alex!") and some additional NPC models for the citizens.
Also the game world here although smaller than Rockstars, really sets the new bar for all games. I have been in constant awe walking around. Ubisofts R6 Siege and The Division are both great games. I am very excited for Wildlands now.
Crouch is something that KBM gamers feel far more comfortable with. The sticky cover mechanics feel more natural on controllers. I think it would be nice to have a crouch as a PC gamer, but I will survive without it.
Battleborn may have an audience, and I hope it does. I appreciate the hard work the Devs put into it. However, Overwatch will have a community way way larger. Overwatch is fantastic.
@TheZeroPercent: You are the problem with the gaming community. You bash thousands of hours of the hard work put forth by developers and claim others are fake. Yet here you are asking people to be fraudulent in their reviews by scoring a game zero that clearly isn't a zero.
@pmulrich: I think any gaming news site in more reliable than collective user reviews. Because the internet at large likes to give 0's to games they have never played. It is far more likely for a AAA studio to release a 9 or 10 game rather than a 0 game.
If you are worried about widespread gaming site corruption which I believe is far less a problem than people like to believe, then just watch YouTube and Twitch streamers and see what actual people playing the game think and just see the gameplay yourself.
JimmyFrost's comments