well your not just paying for online pay. your paying for their server use. Yes it is a bit overpriced but the quality of internet and things such as netflix, and movie rental online make it completely worth it in my opinion.
same here. ive looked at the coming games. very very few are catching my eye... Halo Wars is but only cause im an RTS fan. Other than that tho... not really sure what ill be playing this year. Maybe time to play catchup with the games i never got to play
im actually not a big fan of halo. i enjoyed the story somewhat, but i never really got hooked on the game like others (for example my roomate). And no this was not because I was bad at the multiplayer considering alot of games im just decent at the multiplayer. I just never found it THAT enjoyable
honestly games like fallout 3i dont really expect a hard final boss. elder scrolls oblivion didnt really have a hard boss at the end. It was much like fallouts ending mission. Fable 2, i will admit, i was disappointed to not have a boss fight, but then again i think back to how easy defeating jack of blades on the first game was so i really didnt care. Gears of war 2, meh if it makes a great story I dont see the need to force a boss battle at the end just for the sake of having a boss battle...
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