If Fallout is anything like Oblivion, then I won't be buying it.
I look at it this way, if you expect a not-too-deep action "RPG", then Fallout 3 is going to be great. A shooter with RPG elements. If you expect a deep, old school RPG, then it will probably suck. I haven't played it yet, so I could be wrong, but I've seen a couple of vids. The game looks like a TPS set in an open world. Could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing. Bethesda isn't exactly known for the quality of their combat mechanics...
i don't know. the action looked like it sucked. if it's anything like mass effect, i'll be extremely happy with it, but from what i've seen of the game, i seriously doubt it'll come even close.
convince your parents that you must get team fortress 2, even though it's rated m. bribe them. tell them that you'll never ask for another game. tell them that you'll abstain from self-pleasure of any kind (except team fortress 2, of course) until you get married. tell them that you'll do your best to get into harvard. tell them you will only play it 10 hours a day. tell them whatever you need to and get team fortress 2. it's well worth it.
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