Metal Gear 3: Veredict - Brilliant!
by JoaoDiogoRP on Comments
Continued playing MgS3 and i alreay passed the very first set of missions. Started the snake eater mission. it seems quite a challange compaired with the other MGS'
Just annoucing that today i bought the game that in my opinion is, with GTA: SA, the best game in ps2, and one of the best ever. Called Metal Gear solid 3 and, from the minute i started playing it, i recognized i was in front of a marvellous game.
Also, do not forget the people's union, THE HALL OF FAME UNION.
Today, i might buy one of the greatest games of them all, MGS3!
More info coming up!
Also continued Here comes the pain with edge...edge and christian are new RAW world tag champions in my game!
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