Jocubus' forum posts
The pictures of the girls jumping got me.....I'm a horrible person.
Left 4 Dead 2 even though it's not on the list. Otherwise, Borderlands.monkeymoose5000The reason it wasn't on the list is because my brother already has it and I play with him. I also already have MW2 thats why that didn't appear here
I was hoping to ask gamespot for its wisdom in recommending one game for me this holiday. The reason I'm limiting it to one game is because I'm only going to be home for about a month. The thing is, I'm also enrolled in an intersession class during that time so I won't have a lot of time for gaming. SO I SEEK YOUR WISDOM! Which single game from the list below would you recommend most highly? (assume I have no preference for genre).
Drangon Age Origins
Mass Effect
Assassin's Creed II (I never played the first one)
GTA: Episodes from Liberty City
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