@dragonfly110: The ads and whatnot make it sound like it's better, and it does feel a bit different than when I played the first time, a part of me still has to give it another chance. I wonder at times, is it the PVP? Real players walking around making me feel not so important in my role in the game, or was the Fallout 4 story just that amazing, you wanted to finish until the end?
@Stevo_the_gamer: True! I love the world, so I keep trying! You know, like after coffee, adding that milk and sugar, it's WONDERFUl. Maybe I'll get there with Fallout 76.
@horgen: Yes, I enjoyed the first one a lot. I haven't tried Life is Strange 2, it's on the Xbox game pass, so once I get that again, I'll check it out.
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