PC Tournament for UT3
We've recently announced our last tournament of the year. Warfare Evolved is an online Tournament for the Unreal Tournament 3 game on the PC. Registration is now open but full. ...
We've recently announced our last tournament of the year. Warfare Evolved is an online Tournament for the Unreal Tournament 3 game on the PC. Registration is now open but full. ...
We plan to have an exciting tournament in the next week. This is a team-based single elimination online tournament for Unreal Tournament 3 on the PC. The tournament will consist ...
Congrats to Machine's Least Wanted for winning first place!
The Head Crab Union has been spying on the matches for our Team Fortress 2 tournament. We've allowed the HCU reporters to have temporary access to the demo recording for ...
The Head Crab Union has been spying on the matches for our Team Fortress 2 tournament. We've allowed the HCU reporters to have temporary access to the demo recording for ...
We have a minor change made in the tournament thanks to a few reports mentioning a format flaw. The changes will happen for the future rounds as follows: Quarterfinals Round ...
Registration is now closed.
Registration has opened! Pay careful attention to your timeslot and make sure you have 7 players on your roster and at least 4 waitlisted players signed up before registration closes ...
In the next week we'll be hosting a single elimination online tournament for Team Fortress 2. The tournament will consist of 32 teams, each with 7 players. Now is the ...
We have some exciting news for all of you Source fanatics. Tournament registration has opened for our Team Fortress 2 (PC) tournament called Mutilation Madness. Registrationcloseas November 12th at noone. ...
Registration is now closed.
Registration has opened! Pay careful attention to your timeslot and make sure you have 10 players on your roster and at least 5 waitlisted players signed up before registration closes ...
Registration has opened for our Resistance: Fall of Man tournament called Humanity's Last Hope. This tournament will allow 128 teams and it is open to all free registered users. Each ...
Registration is now closed.
The Union Voting phase has started. Head over to the Union Voting Thread to cast your vote for 2007's greatest unions, and don't forget to check out the Union Discussion ...
Registration has opened! Pay careful attention to your timeslot and make sure you have6 players on your roster and at least 3 waitlisted players signed up before registration closes on ...
We plan to have an exciting tournament in the next week. This is a team-based single elimination online tournament for the recently released game, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. The tournament ...
We have another tournament that opens for registration today at 3pm PT. Earth Under Siege is an online Enemy Territory: Quake Wars tournament that will pit thirty two teams against ...
In case you missed out on Soviet Union tournament, our World in Conflict tournament, be sure to check the replay of the final match on Tournament TV. The match was ...
Congrats to 20ID for winning the Soviet Showdown!
Tonight we'll highlight some of the most talented World in Conflict players from North America! But the excitement doesn't end there, Vivendi Game's Gregory Agius, the Associate Brand Manager, is ...
We have an exciting Tournament TV happening tonight at 4pm PT for our latest tournament called Soviet Showdown. We'll highlight some of the most talented World in Conflict players from ...
Congrats to Team Rico for winning our first Halo 3 tournament!
Registration has extended until Wednesday - October 10th at 10am PT. We have also opened registration to free registrants for a limited time. Be sure to let your friends know. ...
Registration is open for GameSpot's World in Conflict tournament! Pay attention to your timeslot and make sure you have 5 players on your roster and at least 4 waitlisted players ...
We're excited to announce Soviet Showdown, a World in Conflict tournament for the PC! Here's your chance to show off your supreme stategy skills. Registration opened on October 4th at ...
In the next week we'll be hosting Soviet Showdown, a team-based single elimination online tournament for World in Conflict. The tournament will consist of 32 teams, each with 5 players. ...
Thanks for participating in the Nomination round for the Union Awards '07. Voting will begin very soon! Check out the thread to view what others had to say during the ...
Registration is closed for this tournament. Team 29 blew us away by having 10 waitlist player join their team. Talk about an organized bunch of players! Participating teams - be ...
In case you didn't know, we're hosting our first Halo 3 tournament for many North American residents next week. Registration closes on Monday at noon PT. There's currently a couple ...
We have a new face in the house.. err building! Shaun McInnis (aka shaunmc) is a new member of staff and he'll be working side by side with me and ...
Registration has opened for Halo 3 Crush the Covenant. Pay careful attention to your timeslot and make sure you have5 players on your roster and at least3 waitlisted players signed ...
We're excited to announce Crush the Convenant, a Halo 3 tournament for the Xbox 360! Here's your chance to show off your supreme console shooter skills. Registration opened on September ...
In the next week we'll be hosting Halo 3 Crush the Covenant, a team-based single elimination online tournament for the newly released game, Halo 3. The tournament will consist of ...
The second annual GameSpot Union Awards are happening. We are highlighting the best and brightest unions this year, awarding the best of the best with the honor and recognition they ...
Check out Tournament TV if you missed out on the action that named ProSkills the winners of Mission 2.
Check out Tournament TV if you missed out on the action that named Team Phil the winners of Mission 1.
Registration is closed for this tournament. Participating teams - be sure to check your emails often in case we have any important notices to announce. Thanks!
In case you missed out on Capital Punishment II, our second installment of Gear of War tournament, be sure to check the replay of Tournament TV. The match was played ...
Congrats to GL Clean Sweep for winning Capital Punishment II. All three members of the team will win $200 gift certificates to Best Buy, and Team Rico's three members will ...
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