Final Match Results
Endgame turnaround closes King Of The Hill tournament By Cliff HicksIn Gamespot's King Of The Hill tournament with Lord of the Rings: Battle For Middle-Earth II, John "DeadDorf" Westendorf came ...
Endgame turnaround closes King Of The Hill tournament By Cliff HicksIn Gamespot's King Of The Hill tournament with Lord of the Rings: Battle For Middle-Earth II, John "DeadDorf" Westendorf came ...
There is a minor adjustment to the format of the Friday finals. This change will be applied to Mission 1, as well as to both Mission 2 and 3, and ...
The results are in! The remaining teams to face off in the Finals include:- Big, Black & Thunderous - Project Circuit - Highly evolv3d - GR Be sure to stop ...
August 8th: Dead Rising Live Video Review event August 9th: E3 Unleashed 2006 released August 9th: Registration open for Chromehounds Tournament August 10th: On the Spot live at 4pm PT ...
We will have three make-up matches tomorrow because of some teams not showing for matches today. The matches will be: 12:00pm PT - Kansas City Shuffle vs. Paradosi12:30pm PT - ...
Please read below for two important tournament updates.1) Due to the number of disqualifications during Elimination 1 round of Mission I, we have made an important change to the Tournament ...
In the next week we’ll be hosting an Xbox360 tournament called Dogs of War for the Chromehounds game. Dogs of Wars is a team-based single elimination online tournament where 20 ...
As of 10 AM PT, registration is closed.Good luck to everyone participating!
Registration for the Counterstrike: Source Mission 1 tournament opened during the same time we were hosting the Battle for Middle-earth 2 tournament. Stop by tonight at 4pm PT for some ...
The 3 players that move on to the final match for Tournament TV tomorrow night include; Terrin, Deaddorf, and Infernobane. All three of them happen to be old time GameSpotters ...
Due to the Osgiliath map having a disadvantage against any players who do not spawn with the admin (who demolished their base), we are changing the map to the 5th ...
Elimination 1 round is now over. Some players who did not show assisted other players to have a second chance to move on to Elimination 2 round. Here is one of the ...
Attention fans of Counterstrike: Source! We are proud to present our first of three Counterstrike: Source Mission tournaments that will take the top three teams and fly them out to ...
Do your wheels rule the streets? Prove it now by uploading your video of winning moments for a chance to win a Honda Civic Si in the Get Juiced Video ...
Registration is closed. We had many spots fill up within the first hour that registration opened. Maps for this event will include; Elimination 1 Round - Buckland Elimination 2 Round - Tower ...
1) This week's On the Spot includes talk about Madden NFL 07, Guitar Hero II, Spy Hunter: Nowhere to Run and also a peek at the gaming scene from the San Diego ...
Now that registration is open, it's important that everyone votes for the maps they would like to play in this tournament. To do this, go to GameSpot My Headquarters. For ...
The private messaging system will be offline for maintenance on Thursday - July 27th from 9:30am - 11:30am PT. Areas affected include: GS - union invites, user video approvals/rejects PMs, watched ...
Attention fans of J.R.R. Tolkien and real-time strategy. GameSpot is proud to present its first real-time strategy game tournament for Subscribers!In the next week we will host a single elimination ...
Stop by this Friday (July 21) to be the first to download the single-player demo of GTR 2. Feel free to discuss your thoughts in the PC forum. User Level ...
Sorry for such short notice. Blogs and Comments are currently down for maintenance should return shortly. Thank you for your patience in this matter. Edit: Maintenance is complete.
If you missed On the Spot, we took the show on the road and broadcasted live from Electronic Arts' Headquarters in Redwood City, California. There's also a brief tour of EA's campus.
For those of you who couldn't get enough of the Prey demo, we have a special event today! Stop by this at 4pm PT on Tuesday to watch a live session with ...
Gamespot's Call of Duty 2: Summer Assault Tournament ended with a tense battle between Type-Z and Team Analog: Sports, with Team Type-Z pulling out from behind to turn the game ...
Registration is now closed for Summer Assault. Substitutes are a new feature we have implemented for our Tournaments at GameSpot. This is to assist teams who are short a player ...
Registration has opened for Summer Assault. Pay careful attention to your timeslot and make sure you have 3 players and at least 3 waitlisted players signed up before registration closes ...
We have a variety of activities that happened last week. Wednesday we released the Prey Demo, Thursday we held our weekly broadcast On the Spot and we also released the Micro Machines V4 Demo. Last ...
In the next week we’ll be hosting an Xbox360 tournament called Summer Assault for the Call of Duty 2 game. Summer Assault is a team-based single elimination online tournament where ...
Visit on June 21 at 9:00pm PT and be the first to download the single-player and multiplayer demo of Prey. What do you think of Prey's gameplay features like wall ...
For those of you who have sent us your feedback regarding the recent news about User Video Uploads beta closing, and allowing Level 10 and higher free registered users, SamP ...
User Video Uploads are now open to free registered users level 10 and higher in addition to GameSpot Plus and Total Access subscribers. So if you've been holding back until now, jump ...
Be the first to download the single-player demo of Glory of the Roman Empire this Wednesday, June 14th. How do you think this game will compare to others? Feel free ...
Check out the latest fixes and enhancements that happened on the GameSpot website the past few weeks. Some of the enhancements are for the Forums, Unions, PMs, and there's even ...
We plan to have a 30 minute maintenance for forums and comments from 10-10:30pm PT tonight. During this time we welcome you to check the latest and greatest User Videos. ...
For those of you interested in methods to capture videos both in-game and elsewhere, we recently released a feature called "How to Make your Own videos". If you're looking to ...
Subscribers now have the chance to participate in the beta for User Videos. Need help on ideas of what to make your video about? Who knows, maybe one of the ...
You kept asking for it, and we made it happen! GameSpot subscribers and level 5 (or more) non-subscribers can now create 1 poll a day in all GameSpot forums, except ...
The latest events this week include; On the Spot, UnderCover Contest, and City Life Demo.@ On the Spot Watch this week's On the Spot to learn more about OutRun 2006: ...
UPDATE (Teivan) Forums and Blogs are back online. Thank you for your patience and support.-----In relation to our ever-changing website, please reference the latest Fixes and Enhancement thread for the ...
Some of you may have noticed the disappearance of the Community Review emblems. We're actually in the process of totally redesigning how our review recognition system works, so in the ...
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