People forget... a PC is not a gaming console... it is so much more. That's why getting the proper pieces for gaming can be expensive. But if you get the right pieces now and days you can make your own computer for about 1000 - 1200 dollars and it will play any game out there for the next 2-3 years but with all the things you can do with it... you'll have put your money's worth before the first year( that is if your hobbies/school/work depends on a performance pc ) but if you're getting a PC to casually game it's not going to be worth it at all to play once in a while... it's meant to be used for whatever reason. And please if you're planning on getting a computer for games in the future don't look at AlienWare thinking those are the proper ones.... They're overrated and too expensive =/ for fraction of the price you can get a comp that does the same job those can and look a lot prettier I'm assuming Alienware is the reason people think a PC that can handle games is like 2000-3000 dollars.
@redrabbit65 Those tittles aren't going to be very good sorry. The KH is for hardcore fans because us normal fans are sick of all the fillers and want KH3 instead of more milking of redo's of the same old worlds that all the KH have -.- and villains too it's all repeated .-. The Smash bros let's be honest.. that game is meant to play in a console with 4 controllers along family and friends that's where the fun's at and the nintendo server is pretty horrible so don't count on good matches from those. and I don't know about fantasy star you got me there.
@garrett_duffman Gamespot have sold it's soul to Microsoft. Nintendo isn't the only company getting stabbed by them. Sony too ( although not as bad ) is being looked down by gamespot in their attempt to place Microsoft on the top ( it's my guess ) Watch... when Halo 4 releases and Gears of War 3 release they'll be 9.0s or 9.5 actually probably Most U.S critics are towards microsoft. Maybe some don't remember but there was an article once about how the xBox360 saves more electricity than a Sony ps3 like what ? If it was like that why not just say portables are the most efficient. Even in some games that are multi-platform gamespot rates the Ps3 lower than the Pc/xBox360. It's sad but if this keeps up the gaming market will turn out like the Computer Operating System market.. Microsoft has tried to get into everything and tried to dominated even though what they do is clearly illegal.
Is that James Bond doing push ups ? Anyways I wish you the best nintendo =[ I would really hate to see a Gaming Company fall. There's only 3 atm and 2 of them are like the same.... namely not to hate but MC is srly copying Sony once they saw how successful ps2 is so you can't expect them to make any kind of break through on gaming.
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