@Yams1980: I get Civ itches every once in awhile and I replay the older versions sometimes before I play the newer ones. And according to Steam my hours played with any game is with Civ V. Civilization is that type of a franchise.
I really like the idea of city specializations, along with making more creative uses of tech and land resources. That should help make the game deeper. One of my issues with Civ 5 was that gameplay and details were watered down. Brutes??? Even the soundtrack felt weakened; I learned to like Beethoven and Dvorak from Civ IV! :) Give us hardcore gamers some immersion!
I'm a patient family man on a budget. I have no problems waiting a couple of years for all of the EP's and DLC to come out in Game of the Year or Deluxe Editions. Getting complete, de-bugged, games from the Elder Scrolls, Civilization, Total War, or Arkham Series have been more enjoyable, ---and affordable! --- once I know I've gotten everything.
As much as I totally love the franchise, KVO's The Bad complaint: "Wooden dialogue and repetitive voice-overs can make questing a chore" has always been an annoyance when I've played TES games. I hope Bethesda can learn from the online experiences when they finally decide it's time to start TES VI.
"Getting your fill", like in food and appetite, is an excellent analogy. I'd say that's a major reason I don't complete games I otherwise love. I often tend to stop when I feel I reached a certain max, whether it's the story's max or not. So far, I am liking Skyrim's graduated leveling system and hopefully that will make it a game I finally complete the Main Quest this time around.
Joesocwork's comments