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John_of_Fire Blog

On my vacation...

Actually right before I left I ended up buying a PSP, Ridge Racer (PSP), Skate or Die, UN Squadron and a plug and play with Intellivision games. Skate or Die I have been meaning to pick up again for some time. UN Squadron I used to hate but I figured I would now like. I played it for a few hours the other night. I for some reason really like shooters; I haven't been a big fan in the past. The Intellivision plug and play made me sad. The games were adapted from the originals. They removed the music and made the games easier. They also changed some major details about some of the games and removed some modes. I have yet to play the PSP but I should get around to it soon. I got sick as soon as I got into town and have had to work all weekend. Hope everyone else is well. Happy gaming. Dracula X PSP here I come.

I got a goldfish.

I'm not sure if I have ever seen that icon before. (From it's definition I would have thought Haimoimoi would have had one. His reviews are written from a small padded room.) I like the goldfish though too bad it implies I am either crazy or argumentitive. He seemed like such a nice boy...

Today my 'about me' section disappeared.

Glitchspot seems to be a good name for the site (thanks Pumpkinsays) or someone figured out my password. I guess I am just writing because it is irritating. It went something like this: I am a student at Art Institutes. In my spare time I play everything from Drakkhen to Gears of War. I play everything from Triple Action to Lost Planet. I also have been known to collect games like a maniac. These days I am focused on selling a few of them off. If I can answer any questions or be of use please contact me. Grace and peace, John. I guess this means I should update it again with something new. Too bad I am just too tired.

What is the value of Vampire Chronicles?

What is the value of Vampire Chronicles for the Dreamcast? I picked this game up yesterday and was not that impressed. I knew it was a rare title but I have not been able to find a going rate for it. I like Darkstalkers but this new version does not seem to be a large improvement on previous installments. I picked it up for $49 using storecredit. If someone could shed some light on why this is such a great title or let me know the going rate I would appreciate it.

Radio Allergy/ Radilgy Aborted

"Radio Allergy for the Nintendo GameCube has been canceled in North America. Due to the transition to new gaming platforms, retailers are no longer interested in stocking GameCube titles. Milestone is exploring options to bring this to North America as part of a future compilation on the Wii. O3 Entertainment is deeply disappointed we could not publish this title for the GameCube. To our fans we pledge that every effort was put forth to make it available." It just sucks that retailers/the middleman decides what I can and cannot buy. They had a finished product but no one would sell it, lame just lame. I already had this game prepaid on I don't plan on getting a Wii at this point so unless I want to pay large importing costs I guess I am out of luck.

What are 5 games you wish you would get around to playing/finishing?

Here is my personal list: 1. Brainlord –I want to play it through on hard mode. 2. Valkyrie Profile – An amazing game that I have put off for way to long. 3. Soul Reaver- I never finished it but I may not be able to go back to it with all of its camera problems. 4. Metal Gear Solid- I did all the VR missions but didn't start the game. 5. I want to have a Castlevania week where I play all of the Castlevania’s and finish most of them. (Specificly 1, 2, 3, 4, Chronicles, and Bloodlines)It has just been too long and a few of them slipped through the cracks and I never finished them. . . Other games to list are: Faxanadu, Wizards and Warriors, Dragon Force are games I want to finish again; Resident Evil Code Veronica, Primal, , Xenosaga, Killer 7, Phantasy Star 2 are games I want to finish; MGS 3, Panzeer Dragoon Saga, Ogre Battle 64, FF7 + 8, Resident Evil 4 Scorge and Skies of Arcadia, are games I want to start.

So if you could recommend five games...

If you could recommend five games that need to be played what would they be? I am not talking about Halo 2 or Mario Kart per say. What are five games that you loved/liked that other people didn't bother to get to know? Personal favorites not just the company line. The games you sit down and play when you sort through your stacks. And I guess that is more what I am getting at, what are the games you go back to?

So the 12 games a year plan is out the window.

It was a great idea but I just blew it. Besides picking up Gunstar Super Hero's, Chu Chu Rocket GBA, Lost Planet CE, River City Ransom EX, Metal Slug 3 XBox, I also picked up Armed and Dangerous, Guardians Advanced, Sonic Battle, Mario Soccer Slam, Mega Man Power Up and RE4 GC. I also am waiting on Radio Allergy coming out soon. (If you like shooters check it out, if you haven't imported it already.) So that would make 12 right there and we are just in the fifth month. I had been hoping to sell two of my recent acquisitions bringing me back to seven, but I put the final nail in the coffin by purchasing two more games. I was also looking at Predator, Capcom Collection 1, Capcom Collection 2, and Red Faction 2 for the XBox today as well as the fact I may pick of KOF Maximum Impact for Xbox this week as well. . The prices of games are just so low right now and I doubt they will go much lower. Anyways happy shopping. The prices are right and most games can still be found. Good luck.

I failed.

I was really interested in the contest on Live that was sponsored by Old Spice. I had finals that month but I also had a week off. I figured ‘1500 pts, I could do it.’ I first wrote down all the games I had and marked off the achievements that were easiest/able to be achieved. As it turns out DOA4, Gears, RR6, and Oblivion are not the best games to get points on. I had already pumped out most of the points from Full Auto so the final tally wasn’t so hot. Less than 500 pts. (If you check my games owned 360 list you can see what I have.) I finished Gears, which would be the main source of my points, and then proceeded to finish the first chapter on Insane. Unfortunately I never made it online. I also had a set back. I was two games away from 50 wins online in DOA4 and I had worked my way up to a C+ and the game froze before the match and I lost all I had accomplished that evening. I would have competed the arena in Oblivion but I didn’t want to rush through it unless I was close and needed the points. I meant to play Lost Planet on my week off got complicated and I still haven’t even opened it. I did get my hands on Crackdown two days before the contest was over. I have gotten a good number of points in it but too little too late. In my gaming glory days I would have used this contest as an excuse to buy more games. I could have easily flown through the tutorials of Chromehounds and picked up some Live Arcade games for some quick points. (Hexic is just not the best choice for points unless you got the skills.) And I really wanted Contra for free but I wasn’t going to rent a game for $5 to get the achievement points to get a $5 game for free. On the plus side I realized some of the depth of Hexic. The game gets a bit better once you get into it. Here is what I achieved: 140 additional pts in Gears 40 additional pts in Hexic 25 additional pts in Sneak King (I hate this game) 25 pts in Marvel Alliance (a rental) bringing the total to- 230 A sad showing indeed. PS. I want MS to publish Sega Swirl on live. I would love to have that on my 360 as long as they don’t charge more than a dollar.