Far Cry Blood Dragon is the best Far Cry so far. I was disappointed that they did not make a proper sequel to it instead of making Trails of Blood Dragon. Far Cry 2 would be my second favorite because of the community edit maps was fun.
Knowing that Microsoft and Nintendo have a good partnership we might see Banjo and Kazooie, Battle Toads or any other character from Rare or maybe Master Chief it's a long shot but we have seen questionable guests make an appearance. I wouldn't be surprise if they make a Minecraft stage in the game. Blinx the time traveling cat would be a good character to make an appearance in the game. Since he seems to fit in with the rest of the cast.
Bethesda new game reveal at E3 will be DOOM x Halo. Where Doom guy and Master Chief go to an unknown planet to fight hell itself and demonic flood type monsters. In the most goriest way that it will make any game look like H.R. Pufnstuf.
@DIOSNY: Yeah this was some serious click bait stuff right here. The author was probably trying to start a console war with a bunch of fanboys. Shame shame shame.
I had the first one and it was amazing. Grinding up against the wall making sparks come out. The first game is like being on LSD. This one seem to overdose on LSD and is now on a psychedelic adventure and at the end of the journey you will come to realize that you forgot to get the game and was watching Sesame Street the whole time with a controller in your hand.
Yeah this is the game were if you want the best experience get it on the PC. The reason constant support is only on the PC version. The console's version gets shafted. If you really want to play this game on a console get it on the Xbox One or PS4. I have 300+hrs on this game from the PC version and it's a blast to play with friends. Shadow Raid on deathwish is the best map to practice your stealth skills on.
I want to give this a chance since I love Fable except for maybe the 3rd one it was a eh okay game. I also like playing card games like Hearthstone, Elder Scrolls, Gwent, etc. So I'll think about it somewhere down the road.
@JohnnyGT1: I just remembered season 1 episode 8 of That's 70 Show when Hyde and Fez are listening to rock music and Fez foster parents are freak out.
I am telling you. I heard it. The devil is singing backwards on the record.
It's not the devil, man! It's Congress. They passed a secret law to put backward messages in our records, man! They wanna kill rock 'n roll because they know it makes us horny, man!
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