So story wise is it F.E.A.R., F.E.A.R. Files, F.E.A.R. 2, F.E.A.R. Online and then F.E.A.R. 3? I haven't played FEAR 3 yet because it looked weird to me from the rest of the series. Should I pick it up?
PS4 and the X1 should use their eye toy and kinect to prevent kids from playing mature rated games and redirect them to their game library or games that they already own that are suitable for them to play, problem solve.
Yeah I agree Sony and Microsoft should use their eye toy and kinect to block kids from playing mature rated games. While they do that they can advertise the games that are suitable for the kids or tell them to go play the Wii U.
Yeah and that what worries me, is that they own a lot of companies and have over thousands of workers. Imagine if all those workers were to lose their jobs that would cause the game industry to be over crowded and become even more competitive as it is already. This would be hard for people that are entering this field after college such as myself and others and can't expect everyone to go indie.
I guess if EA losses too much money they might do another "reconstruction". We know what would happen if the worst would to happen, they would close down all the studios that they own were IPs will never see the light of day before they shut down their very own studio.
Lol I felt like I just read a cook book just now, but yes it's true what you said. It is fairly easy for someone to do. Instead of buying a built one from a company that's charging you more than you can do yourself for less.
So will we be able to download peoples creations from the X1 to PC and vice versa? Because I'll be getting this for my PC and a few of my friend's will be getting this on their X1, so it would be be nice to be able to download each other creations.
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