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battles without war in countries without peace

Israel continues to search for its kidnapped soldier in Gaza, while the other hostage has been found - murdered.

UPDATE: A Blog For All reports Palestinian terrorist solution to the invasion is to shoot more rockets at Israel and kidnap more Israelis from Israel. Considering that is how they converted a cease-fire into a a terrorist-vs-military battle and got their country - well, probably not really theirs anyway if Iraq is any example of how the Terrorists Without Borders game is played - invaded, that is probably not the best way to end hostilities. Or in this case, the response to their hostilities. SEARCH LATEST VIDEO FEEDS: There are Gaza videos in There is also some Gaza video in Yahoo and Gaza video in Google SEARCH LATEST BLOGS: You can monitor blogs tagged Gaza in Technoratie for on-going reports/discussions of what is going on in/with Gaza right now. SEARCH LATEST NEWS ARTICLES: Google news stories on Gaza Yahoo news stories on Gaza Yahoo news stories on Middle East Conflict REFERENCE: Gaza in Wikipedia Israel in Wikipedia list of terrorist organizations Hamas Syria lengthy list of terrorist attacks in past few weeks Koran at Wikipedia indication that Hamas' attacks during peace treaty with Israel violated Qur'an instruction to obey peace treaties 3 pages of search results on 'murder' at Qur'an website

contributed something here again, at long last

I have sort of had writers block as far as contributing reviews here lately. Probably because I have not watched much television in a couple of weeks. I finally watched a couple episodes last night and did some reviews. Hopefully, they will get accepted. I stopped by the HEX series page here on It seems like a pretty lively place. They have been advertising it a lot on the network TV channels here in the US. I think BBC America knows they have a winning property for their cable station and they are wisely flaunting it. There have been many strange stories in the news the past few days. The kind of things that make me do a double take, and then I still spend at least 5 minutes convincing myself the reporter is not making the whole thing up. However, then a day or two later - I would see the story rolling in from different sources, all quite credible ones. If Confucius lived in our time, he would freak out. Fortunately, he did not - he lived in his time. Which is why today we have all those pithy quotes that he left behind.

former Guardian Angel at center of the Miami 7 controversy

The group's stated religion was not muslim per se but rather a bizarre amalgamation of christian, judean, and muslim beliefs.

The religion they claimed to follow was started by a former african american circus worker, Noble Drew Ali.

Mr. Ali claimed to have mysical powers he learned from the native americans and Egyptians. He also claimed to be a prophet of Allah, when he founded his religion about a century ago.

The name of the religion is "The Seas of David" - not Islam.

That christian/jewish/islamic chimeric religion created by the former circus worker, and a statement by the ringleader (Narseal Batiste, 32) to his father in 1994 that he was "joining the muslims" when he became part of the Guardian Angels - seems to be the only publicly known link between them and anything remotely related to Islam.

Here are two articles on the story, which continues to get weirder by the moment this weekend.,,2089-2242141,00.html

Some people have said very differently recently, but not explained the facts behind their thinking. So, more revelations on the story will be coming out soon.

Rush Limbaugh law proposed to U.K.

Violent criminals - and abusers of serious hardcore drugs - will be allowed to opt out of being prosecuted for violent crimes under a new legal system

Rush Limbaugh avoided both prison and a guilty verdict by paying 30,000 dollars to Florida to cover the cost of "investigating" him.

He was charged with collecting more than a thousand pills of a powerful and addictive drug - from four different physicians in a 6-month period.

Now the U.K. attorney general is proposing that heroin and crack users, violent criminals, and people guilty of certain other offenses get the same deal - for a much lower price.

The price he has proposed for the "no fault" uh non-convictions is 500 pounds (about $1000 USD).

On the bright side, that is $1,000 they will not have to spend on dangerous thug drugs.  At least until they can earn it back on their income as uh muggers, robbers, etc.


I think crime syndicates spend more than $1,000 on legal fees every time one of their members get arrested by authorities.

If such a system could be "gamed" to allow a free-to-inexpensive pass to foment extortion and more widespread sorts of violence, it could cost victims quite a bit more than their attackers.

The victims might not favor a "swift resolution".  They might see a certain advantage in a long, drawn out, cautious process to protect their safety.

Some people in the article agree, that a swift exoneration for guilty violent, drug-abusing criminals might not be in the public's best interest.

I guess future news stories will cover what develops.  People in the US can compare that with Rush's future progress with his second shot at recovery, compared to his peers in the British lower crust of society.

Washington, D.C. - a capital city in more ways than one

Not only is Washington, D.C. the capital for the US government.

It is also the capital of the AIDS epidemic for the whole US.

Only two decades after certain famous people working in D.C. at the time disputed that AIDS was a problem for anyone other than "Haitians and homosexuals", the city has an AIDS infection rate higher than anywhere else in the country.

I guess they missed a few people in their estimation of the threat the virus posed.

Considering the difficulty their successors are having to verify nationality within the borders of the country, it is amazing that they put so much faith in a virus's ability & desire to do so.

Live and learn.

Cadbury will bury 250 tons of chocolate

Cadbury is belatedly sparing no expense to rid itself of its supply of tainted, bacteria-infected chocolate.

According the to article below, they are dumping 250 tons - that is five hundred thousand pounds! - of their chocolate.

"Government food watchdogs will begin an investigation this week into why Cadbury took five months to report that a rare strain of the food poisoning bug - salmonella montevideo - had been found in its chocolates," the Daily Mail article says.

The article below says that about 53 people nationwide in Britain could have been infected by eating tainted Cadbury chocolates, and perhaps as many as about 200 more were at least slightly affected.,,2087-2242140,00.html

To show its heart was in the right, place, the company offered to buy back any uneaten Easter candy.

In June.  Hmmm....  probably not a lot of kids wait 3 months to eat their Easter candy.

H5N1 - contagious within a certain family, experts think

Though they are not one hundred percent certain, scientists studying an H5N1 (avian flu) virus outbreak that killed 7 or 8 members of the same family in Indonesia - believe it was spread person-to-person.

It case that does not mean anything to you, here is the translation.

This means one of two things:
  1. something kind of bad, or
  2. something really, really, really bad
Keep your eyes peeled on the news this week for these search terms: H5N1, cluster, Indonesia, family

This is a good time to review those college text books on biology, evolution, heredity, and epidemiology that are gathering dust in the closet in your house.

If you do not believe in those things, do not worry - you will be fine. The less you know about science, the safer you will be. Really.

Germs love people like that.

Oh, and keep an eye open for travel advisories that get issued by the the WHO of the UN.

You should also pay close attention to any bulletins that come out from the CDC in the next couple of years that mention the words "avian flu", "bird flu", "avian influenza", or "H5N1".  The last is the scientific name for the virus.

Aaron Spelling died Friday evening at 6:25 p.m.

I was really surprised to read a few minutes ago that he passed away Friday evening.

I was eating a steak dinner and reading a book at a restaurant while he was passing away.

It is weird because I thought he was recovering from his stroke.  I had really expected him to get better and live another ten years.

I guess a lot of Hollywood will be morning him with his family next week.