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JordanizPro Blog

The wierdest thing happend last night

Yesterday night after i got thru lookin at the news (about M.J.s death) i got on my pc and went 2 the xfire website.I downloaded it and before i downloaded this my pc was 100% virus free so after i downloaded and installed xfire i checked my security center to see if it affected my pc at all.And viruses were EVERYWHERE i was so scared it would f**k up my pc permentally.And i was tryin to uninstall it but it wouldnt so i just shut my pc down for a hour,and as soon as i got back on it my pc i checked my security center again and i was 100% virus free and xfire was still installed in my pc, man i was soooo relieved that it did not mess up my pc because i dont have a 360 anymore and my bro has a ps3 but he is moving out so the only consoles i had left was a ps2,ds and pc (i only play my pc now).But that was wierd how can my pc go from viruses everywhere to no viruses at all?????

Modern Warfare 2 Predictions

Well where should i start for Modern Warfare 2 i expect things to be bigger and better.I liked the fact that Soap the person you played in the first game, is your captain now which i was very surprised to see because I still thought youll still be playin as Soap.I also expect for this sequel's story mode to be deeper and way longer because I dont know about you guys butto methe Modern Warfare 1'sstory modewas short as H***.Graphically speaking Modern Warfare 1 was very easy on the eyes so I dont expect more for this sequel in graphics.But Infinity Ward said "they beefed up the COD4 engine" so it would be nice to expect more but if it does not it would still look good.Now in Online it would be nice to see more characters because in COD4 they had like 3 or mabe 4 different types of modles of the marins,s.a.s,and opfor.They also need to add more wepon attachments and more guns of course.And i also expect...well i dont expect I know this game is going to sell big time,Infinity Ward said there expectations were to pass GTA4 and HALO3 in sales and i know for a fact thats what it would do.

Spore Creature Creator Demo is SICK

Today i downloaded the Spore demo and it was not what i was expecting.The first time i saw Spore i thought it was stupid, i mean just creating creatures all day thats pretty boring i thought but its more to Spore than i thought like how deep and complex the creating is. So far i made 3 creatures and its not boring at all actually, you can also post your creature to a website where everybody can see what you made.Now i can see why Spore gets all that hype and i must say thats hype well deserved.

top 5 underrated and overrated games this generation of gaming

I dont know why but i felt like this would be an interesting topic but let the DEBATE BEGIN! whats the most underrated games this generation???? whats the most overrated games?? i thought about it and here is what i think......... ~OVERRATED~ 1.GTA 4 2.Halo 3 3.Resident Evil 5 4.Elder Scrolls Oblivion 5.Ninja Gaiden 2 ~UNDERRATED~ 1.Mirrors Edge 2.Persona 4 3.Saints Row 4.Dead Space 5.Bionic commando