Hey, I have never played any GH game or anything like it and I wanted to know which was the funner game to play with my little bro? I was going to pick up a used GH2 xplorer guitar controler for Rock Band if I got that game
Hey, I was wondering what a good coop game for 360 would be? I have played all the COD's, Perfect dark, Halo 3, gears of war and I may have missed a few thanks
thanks for the replies, do you guys know what the maximum quality you can get from streaming HD Movies from a computer to a xbox 360 hooked to an HDTV? I'm trying to convert a 10Gb HD Movie in MKV to WMV and its going to take like 10 hours :) I'm using Videora Xbox 360 Converter
Hello, my question is can i watch HD movies on my tv from my computer using S-Video because i have my HD TV hooked up through S-Video but i don't know if it will run the movies in HD or not in HD?
Hey, I was wondering if you guys were getting a new xbox or a Refurbished one from microsoft because my 360 is going to be coming in 3 days and the lady at the microsoft repair place said it was going to be new or refurbished
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