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#1 Judge-Gabranth
Member since 2010 • 58 Posts

Even after all these years, Final Fantasy managed to stay at the top, Square has yet to make a false move it seems, as every game in franchise is both a financial and commercial success. With every tittle they practically guarantee a quality game, though I guess they should stop at it, after all some fans are not satisfied with newer games, apparently Final Fantasy has lost it's charm.

Far from it if you ask me, Final Fantasy still has it's charm, the games are still based on good old formula, though some changes are bound, and need to happen, which would be the main problem as some fans are not thriled with any changes whatsoever, even though the franchise may benefit from it. Which leads me me to Final Fantasy XII, a game superior to it's predecessors in almost every aspect, but still bashed for trying to evolve Final Fantasy.

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#2 Judge-Gabranth
Member since 2010 • 58 Posts

These days I'm playing Dissidia Final Fantasy, trying to obtain all I had before I lost my save file, a tedious procedre I'll have to say. I'm also playing God of War Chain of Olympus but I've been neglecting it for quite some time now.

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#3 Judge-Gabranth
Member since 2010 • 58 Posts

I had multiple games to chose from, got quite a colection along with my PsP, and all for free, what can I say I'm lucky bastard, since I'm huge fan of Final Fantasy I've gone with Crisis Core as my first game.

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#4 Judge-Gabranth
Member since 2010 • 58 Posts

You should get both, if possible of course, as many have already mentioned both are great games in their own way, I though prefer Final Fantasy IX due in my opinion better story and characters.

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#5 Judge-Gabranth
Member since 2010 • 58 Posts

To some degree, yes, reviews can affect my purchase. If there's some serious issue with the game I for once would like to know, everything else is about personal taste, that's why I tend to read the review written by person with similar views as me. In the end I trust my own instinct and experience the most.

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#6 Judge-Gabranth
Member since 2010 • 58 Posts

sony fanboys crack me up.

this is a ridiculous conversation and shouldn't even be a debate... N64 is obviously more powerful and can produce better looking games... anyone who says otherwise either is too young to be familiar with the systems, or is sold out to Sony


I have yet to see a person who thinks that games on PS One look better than those on N64, if such person exists than he or she is clearly blind, no offense though, just saying. What I'm trying to say, what most of us are trying to say, and I think some of use were clear enough is that difference is barely there, due some elements that pushes one console above the other and vice versa.

No one's placing PS One above N64, at least not in graphics department, disscusion is going in completly diferent direction as we're trying to determine how big the gap really is, but yet you still feel obligated to call someone a Sony fanboy, you're also the one who makes N64 a new generation console compared to PS One by making the diference bigger than it already is, sir I'm afraid you might be a fanboy here, N64 has indeed better graphics, so please, easy on the word fanboy as someone has yet to say otherwise.

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#7 Judge-Gabranth
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well, considering how much more powerful the Nintendo 64 is versus the PlayStation, its not insane to say that games do indeed look much better (though of course the proof is in the pudding as they say- and Nintendo 64 does deliver...) the reason I pointed out those 2 games was due to the fact they are the best looking on N64 imo... and they really set the bar so much higher than the PS can achieve. if you want more proof still...

Banjo Kazooie

Banjo Tooie

Perfect Dark

Wave Race 64

Zelda: OOT

Zelda: MM

Conkers Bad Fur Day

Donkey Kong 64

granted, the cartridge did hold back the specs some- and some PSX games did look mighty good. however, I have yet to see a PSOne match the graphics of the best looking Nintendo 64 games.


N64 has indeed better graphics which I already said in my first post, though due to small sized cartridges N64 was never able to show it's full potential, graphicswise also, that's why difference betwen PS One and N64 games is barely there, graphicswise that is, at least not nearly much as you make it out to be.

@magnax1 - exaggerating a bit, aren't we...

Not really. MGS, which was considered one of the best looking games on the PS1, is at best an average game for N64. Just like shadow of Collosus is at best average for an XBox game. Like I said people that think this is a close comparison are kidding themselves.

Yes, I do know that N64 has better graphics than PS One, as does Xbox compared to PS2, I never said otherwise, but N64 being close to PS2, and Xbox to Xbox 360, in any way, graficswise including, is just hilarious, what concerns me more is that you're dead serious. As for Metal Gear Solid, I for once never consider it one of the best looking games for PS One, I do consider Gran Turismo 2, which would definitely be one of the best looking games on N64, if such port was posible.

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#8 Judge-Gabranth
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i have played FFIX... but I haven't seen one PS game that can match Banjo Tooie or MM...


I asume MM stands for Majora's Mask, as for Banjo Tooie, can't and wont say anything about it as I have yet to play that game, though your current statment doesn't sound right, doesn't sound right to me that is. Two arguably better looking games made you say that PS One games don't look good as the ones on N64, they may not look good as those two, which again can be argued, but what about the other titles on N64. If I was you I wouldn't make such hasty statement's.

@Darkman2007 - indeed, you're absolutely right, quite a wrong example on my side. Though I still stand at Gran Turismo 2, impressive looking cars, quite a bit of them, over 600 if I'm not mistaken, and over 20 tracks to it with good looking environment, how they managed to pack it in one CD (don't count multiplayer CD) is beyond me, I have yet to see a N64 game that aged so well.

well, considering how much more powerful the Nintendo 64 is versus the PlayStation, its not insane to say that games do indeed look much better (though of course the proof is in the pudding as they say- and Nintendo 64 does deliver...) the reason I pointed out those 2 games was due to the fact they are the best looking on N64 imo... and they really set the bar so much higher than the PS can achieve. if you want more proof still...

Banjo Kazooie

Banjo Tooie

Perfect Dark

Wave Race 64

Zelda: OOT

Zelda: MM

Conkers Bad Fur Day

Donkey Kong 64

granted, the cartridge did hold back the specs some- and some PSX games did look mighty good. however, I have yet to see a PSOne match the graphics of the best looking Nintendo 64 games.

N64 has indeed better graphics which I already said in my first post, though due to small sized cartridges N64 was never able to show it's full potential, graphicswise also, that's why difference betwen PS One and N64 games is barely there, graphicswise that is, at least not nearly much as you make it out to be.

@magnax1 - exaggerating a bit, aren't we...

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#9 Judge-Gabranth
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unless you are just sold-out for Sony, I don't see how anyone can think PS1 games look as good as N64... oh well...

but then again, some people still think the PS3 can outmatch the best gaming PC's :lol:


Why not, diference is barely visible, unles you want to nitpick every pixel now, they're practically equal with PS One not being prevented to show his full potential (CD > Cartridge), though you make it sound like N64 is a new generation console in this comparison, thus making difference in graphics enormous.

As for games not looking good as those on N64, well, you have to be either ignorant or Nintendo fanboy to make such statement, seems like someone hasn't played Gran Turismo 2 or Final Fantasy IX for that matter.

i have played FFIX... but I haven't seen one PS game that can match Banjo Tooie or MM...

I asume MM stands for Majora's Mask, as for Banjo Tooie, can't and wont say anything about it as I have yet to play that game, though your current statment doesn't sound right, doesn't sound right to me that is. Two arguably better looking games made you say that PS One games don't look good as the ones on N64, they may not look good as those two, which again can be argued, but what about the other titles on N64. If I was you I wouldn't make such hasty statement's.

@Darkman2007 - indeed, you're absolutely right, quite a wrong example on my side. Though I still stand at Gran Turismo 2, impressive looking cars, quite a bit of them, over 600 if I'm not mistaken, and over 20 tracks to it with good looking environment, how they managed to pack it in one CD (don't count multiplayer CD) is beyond me, I have yet to see a N64 game that aged so well.

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#10 Judge-Gabranth
Member since 2010 • 58 Posts

unless you are just sold-out for Sony, I don't see how anyone can think PS1 games look as good as N64... oh well...

but then again, some people still think the PS3 can outmatch the best gaming PC's :lol:


Why not, diference is barely visible, unles you want to nitpick every pixel now, they're practically equal with PS One not being prevented to show his full potential (CD > Cartridge), though you make it sound like N64 is a new generation console in this comparison, thus making difference in graphics enormous.

As for games not looking good as those on N64, well, you have to be either ignorant or Nintendo fanboy to make such statement, seems like someone hasn't played Gran Turismo 2 or Final Fantasy IX for that matter.