Honestly, Nintendo relied so heavily on the casual audience last gen, that they were able to get away with being lazy and only release a handful of real games during Wii's lifetime. With the WiiU, the casual audience is gone and Nintendo is stuck in a position where they actually have to make real games to sell the console. Problem is, they've gotten so lazy and arrogant from the Wii, they don't want to make real games anymore, only rehashes, sequels, ports, reboots, and remakes of the games they made when they were a hardworking video game publisher 20 years ago. They have nothing to show, and that's why they are bowing out of e3. Nintendo is finished.
@diabolik_023 If Nintendo is actually doing this because they can't afford a press conference, then Nintendo is out of luck. They need to just make games as a 3rd party software publisher for xbox and Playstation.
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