I don't think there is such thing as a scary movie now that I'm older, but when I was a little kid, Candyman scared the sh*t out of me. I remember I had to force myself to say Candyman 3 times in the mirror, just to prove to myself that he wasn'r real and wouldn't really pop up behind you after you said it.lol I think I was like 8 or something like that. As far as my favorite modern "horror" go, I like all Rob Zombie directred movies. House of a 1000 corpses, The Devils Rejects, and his Halloween remake. He is supposed to be doing another Halloween soon. Dude is a genious when it comes to horror movies.
JunkyMcMuffin's forum posts
Not accomplishing my dreams and ambitions before my time is up on this earth. It doesn't make me feel anymore hopeful when people say the world is about end in 2012 either. lol! Like please god--give me 15 more years atleast. Im not even an adult yet.
I fear that im going to get my hopes up for the end of the world in 2012.
Wash your feet really good when you get home, spray it with some kinda of Athletes foot spray, and don't touch your feet to the floor or anything, and put a pair of clean socks on. . Keep this up, and it should go away. They also have a powder that you put in your shoes that helps fight the fungi-infection, try some of that too. I run alot and have encountered this problem a few times, and these methods always helped me, and as far as wearing your skates with no socks...thats a really bad idea.
im sure the game will have more than enough amazing parts to make up for this crappy one.mattg90520It better, or its going back! (game purchace tip, buy a used copy of a game from gamestop, and you have 7 days to play it, and if you don't like it, you can return it for anything else)
Unlike the first Mass Effect, the sequel will not allow players to restart the campaign with all the skills Shepard gained throughout his (um, her!) second adventure. Mass Effect 2 Lead Designer Preston Watamaniuk notes on the BioWare forums that the team is working hard to "offer a smooth progression into ME3 from ME2." The reasoning is that they "have to have reasonable knowledge" of where a character could end up at the end of the game. "Of course, Mass Effect 2 players can feel free to create a new character and start over. So, it appears that if you're looking to start Mass Effect 3 with a jacked-up Shepard, make sure to explore every little nook and cranny of the galaxy before going into the sequel's final mission."-Joystiq
-This is kinda stupid in my opinion, playin' back through countless times in part 1 to level up my guy (or girl) was one of the reasons I liked the game so much. First they take away our leveled up charcter from part 1, now we can't even level a new guy up in part 2! WTF
Were is the new Splinter cell? Thats suposed to be exclusive, right?
Microsoft (and i think Ubisoft, not sure) have said it's a 360 exclusive; but there's supposed to be a PC version in development as well.
Could someone explain why people even count the PC in together with the 360 and PS3? The PC isnt even a gaming system and far from a console... Umm, seriously? Ok, the PC is listed with the 360 and PS3 because even though its not a "gaming console", its still a "gaming platform",And in some cases, a completitive gaming platform. Look at WoW, it has more online players than any other game in online gaming history. Not to mention 99% percent of PCs run on Windows...a program developed by Microsofoft, which is also the developers of the 360. So its only natural for Microsoft to extend their games to another platform so they can make more money.
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