@nate1222 Uh oh we got one that can see, you kinda sound like a terrorist. Quick this guy still has cognitive functionality we have to do something America, otherwise his ability might spread and there will be more of this kind of smart talk... Calm down sir you need to take this prescription in order to see things more "clearly". We'd hate to have to resort to a "stronger" prescription.
@Sharkspawn80 You had me at BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY... but all the rest was spot on, regardless of what all the haters want to imply or out right bloviate about, Nintendo despite current less than stellar sales, has always been a maker of CLASSIC and more often than not great games. Don't get discouraged Nintendo fans, my friends and I all have the best memories playing Nintendo and I'm pretty sure we're not alone.
@Manatassix @JustWingin_IT However unlikely, it would get me to buy one as my PS3 library is extensive and I don't like having to have another console and set of peripherals just to play games that the sequel system could easily play. And actually its more for my kids' accessibility than mine (which is the only advantage consoles have) I'm just not digging this whole lack of flexibility thing going on this gen. PC doesn't have this problem as it can play everything all the way back to DOS and every NES, Atari, SNES, Genesis, PS1,2,3, PSP, etc. If I buy a console it had better offer more than just what I have to wait for. What if it tanks like a 3D0 that promised the next gen... I'm out money and it won't even play my old library... No thanks... I'll be lined up at the website for whoever busts out a sweet PS4 emulator then I can just add PS4 games to my PC library...
Two words will get me to by a PS4, BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY, sadly it is not profitable or something. As it is, my backwards compatible PS3 rocked Battlefield 4 at 1080p last night. I don't see anything out in new console land that necessitates these new systems except for maybe Wii U. The reality is a PC will play them all, some now some eventually. Think I'll put my money there as my old game library never becomes my "old" game library, its always just my game library...
@chaazin @Dannystaples14 @neowarrior121 Thank you that made me chuckle because its TRUE! Hey don't forget the part where 500 bucks into a PC if you buy right, would still do what the X does only better...
@Horndawgie Fact, blue is green and yellow combined, therefore cassette tapes are obsolete. I mean do you really want to hold a candle to a flower while you smell it? Something to also consider while higher reasoning is becoming an endangered species.
This entire narrowing of the realities of gaming is precisely what is wrong with this world. Why is it a choice between 2? Its like Democrats and Republicans and ignore the superior alternatives. Hello, Nintendo is a console too, that by most people's ranting is legit based on at least two arguments such as "exclusive titles" and "its all about the games, not the hardware specs". But so many zombies want it both ways, they want to bash PS4 because it doesn't have certain exclusive titles and bash X-Bong for hardware shortcomings, I tell you its an arrested development childish mudslinging contest like a political debate where the voice of reason is stifled and the voice of the most obnoxious is heralded from a mountain top composed of ignorant half-wits. Where is the option of PC in this open war of the consoles? The option of the Steam machine coming very soon, also left completely out. Sorry this is like some kind of gaming duopoly where all the other choices are ignored to impose the will of the corporate domination of your life. Who made who here? Do you own the console or does the console own you? Get up out of your trance gaming brethren, there's more than one or the other. A PC will smoke games at any resolution YOU CHOOSE and do all that entertainment at the center of your living room stuff and it won't be some corporate ploy to dominate all your choices by narrowing your field of choices under the thinly veiled disguise of offering more...
@de-astroturfer @JustWingin_IT Indeed its all about control and de-forestation.... to put it nicely... Glad to hear a fellow voice of reason against the rising tide of ignorance... Preach on my brotha eventually you reach one or two lost souls...
JustWingin_IT's comments