Maaaaaan, this Carla Doodey must be one famous as hell person, I always hear about her, but have never seen her so far....she seems to like guns though....
8. Only game that made such a sh*tload of money and still is capable of by fixing the Online Chaos COMPLETELY RUINING AND DESTROYING THE MULTIMILLION DOLLAR SINGLE PLAYER CAMPAIGN, yet not a single eff is given by Rockstar or ANY gaming website at ALL about that new problem / fact >_>
" We can make it more difficult to get access to them. We can strengthen our laws against teens acquiring these games. Parents can keep the games out of their homes and help their children avoid them at friends' houses," he said.
"As a society, we should do all we can to make violent rampages like the one in Washington less likely, even if we can't stop them entirely. Controlling the use of violent video games is one step we can take to help protect our society from violence "
Mr. about making it more difficult in your country to get access to lethal guns like a Half Automatic Rifle?
Sure, here in germany we had the one or other unfortunate mass shooting as well which media was quick in finding the culprit in violent video games, and may this study have some truth or not, but you don't hear about our country in mass shootings almost EVERY EFFIN' MONTH!
@renerak The average CoD Player needs this....elsewise they'd run helpless in circles at the starting point, wondering where's the best spot to camp and why the heck nobody is joining their game ^^
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