I start to wonder....is Microsoft actually still trying anything with an own philosophy, or did they sometime down the road just say: "Oh eff that, let's throw it all over board and copy Sony in EVERYTHING! They're popular! We want to be popular too!" ?
@Peter Jackson I didn't like that feature either, the only announced it after the game already was known to be in developement for a while. Could have lived without it, but meh, it doesn't disturb either...so....
@Agape Stefan Daniel Why would you limit yourself like that when the game clearly gives you the options to do so? It's a game, and having options is never a bad thing
"Violent Content Research Act is a "distraction to finding the real cause" of mass shootings."
Eh yup, NRA, Neigborhood Watch, White Guys shooting black guys and getting away with it because of stand your ground and Republicans defending Gun Laws and the 2nd Amandment maybe?
Justforvisit's comments