@nl_skipper: As long as they're exploiting cheaters, it doesn't bother me. They had similar things in the Skate games, they just called it DLC instead of microtransactions. Besides, microtransactions usually fund free DLC and updates, so that just means all those sucky cheaters are paying for real gamers to get free DLC and updates. I never buy shark cards for GTA V, but I still benefit from all the free updates and new content.
I completed Assassin's Creed Black Flag without any microtransactions. I knew there was DLC, but honestly I didn't even know there were microtransactions in Black Flag until I read there were in this article.
If the Syndicate is like Black Flag, I don't think the microtransactions will be any problem. I don't know why everyone is whining and getting up in arms about it. If little kids that suck so bad at video games that they can't beat them without cheating want to pay to have the game beaten for them, then let them. I personally like playing to unlock things.
JustinGoSka's comments