DQVIII without a doubt. Story was deeper in FFX, and the cutscenes were better of course, but DQVIII just seemed more polished overall. I never ran out of things to do in that game. Though level grinding takes FOREVER. Can't wait for DQIX on the DS!
i've had it for ds for maybe 7 weeks. I loved DQ8 for PS2, and thought this would live up to it. This particular game involves some puzzle solving, though your combat (if you want to call it that) becomes repetitive very quickly. You bounce things up in the air and catch them on your head, then throw them on to a train that takes enemies and items back to town, where you can then use the items as ammo for your giant tank in the tank battles (which involve bouncing ammo on to your head and throwing it into the cannons). Despite the attractive graphics, and funny dialogue, the game becomes, again, repetitive, and hasn't been able to hold my interest beyond the first 2-3 levels/areas, and I switch over to Yoshi's Island. I really want to like this game, and am trying to give it another shot. Anyone else have similar thoughts?
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