Just because sales are low dose not mean that the system is doomed, Sony is about to blow everyone away at E3 i have a good feeling that this will be their year. PS3 has a high fan base and it will be fine.
Prototype looks insane, i like the plot and the gameplay looks great and the mission structure seems to have taken a lesson from Assassins Creed and is going to switch it up and actually give the missions a purpose. Infamous looks good as well but for some reason i feel that prototype will be the better game, I will be getting both do to a perfectly placed birthday.
Why does Sony just allow Microsoft to steal its exclusives first with Final Fantasy 13 and now the Maybe MGS4 port as well as DLC and other games. Sony is loosing the titles that have sold their systems for years and they just sit back and do nothing about it.
Bioshock 2 hands down. Assassins Creed is the worst game i have played this gen and although number 2 looks better it can not get better then Bioshock.
It is perfect, it takes the MGS formula and takes away the bad and improves the good.It has been one of my favorite series and this is the best one, is the best game of this generation hands down, 6 hour movie and all.
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