How exactly is this article "flaunting the lgbt agenda when it is very relevant to games (mass effect and more)? To say that it doesn't pertain to video games is such a blatant lie. I
Carolyn I don't know you personally, but you seem like a very brave person who is doing a courageous thing writing articles like this. Don't let the bad comments deter you from anything in life.
I'm very proud of gamespot for being courageous enough to go so far as to write this article. To those of you who "oppose" the gay options, why don't you just play the game WITHOUT making your characters gay if it bothers you so much?
I think it's great that they've included the minority because usually it's this group that is always left out. It just makes me happy that everyone can play, not just the typical white male (homophobic) gamer. What I don't understand is if they don't like the gay options then why choose it in the first place? It's really not that big a deal.
Jynx_1991's comments