thanks so much
KA12NAG3's forum posts
So hey man, posting on the Gamespot forums isn't going to ignite an intelligent conversation/discussion about anything. Not that everyone here is retarded, just nobody cares. Especially when you're bashing a game that everyone who replied really enjoyed and was able to enjoy without any major bugs or life-altering, rant-engaging uber bugs that ruined their life. Boasting about your 10,000+ hours of gaming online does't boost your e-cred. Next time just post a link to your gamertag achievements so everyone can see your mighty status. Nobody cares that you've wasted a stupid amount of money on turd XBLA games, only to play them for an hour and move on to the next one. Nobody cares about your money either. Bye.BL4CKV4LOR
Ok then, I'l let my post speak for itself for anyone in doubt of the time I claimed to put into this game....
I never lie. I don't need to. I was here/playing games since before the time of the Vectrex/Coleco-Vision/Atari800--2600--5200--7800 age of systems. Perhaps my life of 40 years on this earth, never having had a job, never having driven a car, never having had a girl (I have been to stripclubs/experienced some of the nightlife, I'm not a bad looking guy at 6 feet 2 inches little over 200 pounds, and I workout, so.... built somewhat), don't leave my 1/2 million dollar (paid for) home but once every 4+ months, doing nothing but playing video games all that time can seem pathetic to you, but it isn't a lie [...] Perhaps I'm the greatest gamer that ever lived, and that is all I have to show for the whole of my life, but that is fine by me.Hidden-Assassin
Just so you know, theres a lot of great stuff to do outside of your house in the real world. Trust me. I play an hour to two hours of video games a day at the most, and I usually only play on 2 or 3 days of the week, so thats like what, 3 to 4 hours a week, at the most. All the best things in life aren't part of video games - my friends, my family, my car, everything. I just use games when I want to chill, or do something with my friends after doing everything else possible. You need to play less games and get outside. Trust me. You wont regret it.
Can someone please help me out? I'm trying to finish the puzzle for truth file 12 (the Edison one) and I'm on the final part where I need to align the wheel and enter the password and the choices to line up on the wheel are ., .., I, I., II, II., II.., and III. and the advice says that theres a pattern, and its a base 3 number system. I don't know what any of this means but please help me. Thanks so much
Is it repititive like AC 1?simo98088
No. They worked hard on fixing that in AC2 and it worked
What are the best used games that you can buy for a good price? I already have Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed and Bioshock.
everything you're capable of in the game is truly amazing. but as for something else, the atmosphere was really boring. so I didn't even finish it due to the fact that it was VERY quiet/dull.orb_03_2006
You must not have been to many of the places in the game. There are a lot of really cool places to find. Did you ever find Megaton, Rivet City, Little Lamplight, Paradise Falls, or Oasis?
You definitely need to get this game. It will last you for a very long time, and the DLC is awesome. It has great graphics, an awesome enviroment, and has has many interesting weapons and characters. You won't be disappointed.
Additionally, now it looks like the zombie hand is giving a "piece" sign, which is kind of laughable. CloserDivision
Yeah, I liked the original Left 4 Dead 2 cover a little bit better because of that reason. It's still not bad though.
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