I've been recently looking to try out a new mouse. Currently I am using a R.A.T. 7 and its been a pretty good mouse, but a buddy of mine got a Logitech 700s and it feels so much more comfortable in your hand. So I was thinking of selling mine and getting a different mouse maybe a 500s. Anyone have it? Or are there any other mice out there that are better?
KABCOOL's forum posts
I just use an old PS3 controller I had lying around with a $2 Bluetooth adapter I bought on eBay. Works perfectly!
Still pretty fun on the PC, but finding a server that fits your liking is kind of a pain. Also a dece amount of hackers.
I did the exact same thing like a year back, I have an MSI board and I RMA'd it no problem
Wow this actually looks great, never thought I would be excited for this, but I absolutely am
Absolutely none, all of mine have been great.
Over the last 3 years, you've spent 643 hours playing this selection, which includes 159 items, is valued at $2046.5, and requires 502.04 GB
Not bad...
Outside of WvW, everything on that list is just what I complained about.
- Crafting legendaries
- Getting dyes
- Racial sets
- Crafting skills
All of it is meaningless and just cosmetic. The legendary swords that require hundreds of hours to 100% a map and farm materials for have the SAME stats as the exotic swords you can buy for 2 gold right at level 80. Dyes, there are hundreds, and most are just gold sinks (farm dye? no, you either buy it or you don't have it, simple)... Crafting is meaningless because NONE of the best gear you can craft is better than a 2g exotic. Not to mention it cost dozens of gold (either spent outright or dozens of gold of lost profit from not selling mats) to level.
And WvW isn't even that great, just a giant cluster. Someone drops their $1000 on being a general or whatever and then a big group of 50 people or whatever just follow them around attacking gates/objectives. When you reach a gate, a bunch of enemy players just stand around aoeing your pack. After several minutes either we break the objective and move on or they kill us all with aoe. Either way we just do the same thing again. There is no strategy, there is no complexity, individual effort is meaningless because it takes dozens of people to break one of those objectives.
There was one time I was running dead center in the "pack" of people... They have a speed boost up 100% of the time... Well at some point I was crippled, fell out of the back of the group, fell out of range of speed boosts, was abandoned, etc, and died instantly... Then what? Oh nothing to bad, you just respawn several miles away back at the original entrence to the entire battlefield in the back of your server's main base. But don't worry, you can just mount up and be back over there in seconds. Wait nevermind, no mounts, you just have to run in a straight line for 10 minutes and then once again just be one of 100 people running around in a big pack banging on doors and getting aoed on.
I 100% agree with you this is exactly why I quit when I got to 80.
Ok thanks guys, im gonna give Rift a try
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