KAS3Y_JAM3Z's forum posts

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[QUOTE="okthenbye1"]4. All it is, is run and gun with no strategy whatsoever, PC FPS games actually have strategy, Halo is just shallow.

Um, run and gun is a strategy :|

Incorrect. Run and gun is two simple repetitive actions with no diversity whatsoever. Not real strategy.

If you have a good strategy, wouldn't you want to repeat it? 1. Also, strategics. the science or art of combining and employing the means of war in planning and directing large military movements and operations. 2. the use or an instance of using this science or art. 3. skillful use of a stratagem: The salesperson's strategy was to seem always to agree with the customer. 4. a plan, method, or series of maneuvers or stratagems for obtaining a specific goal or result: a strategy for getting ahead in the world. Hahaha please try to disagree with me.
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[QUOTE="okthenbye1"][QUOTE="theboxmike"][QUOTE="okthenbye1"][QUOTE="pandorax1"]Ridiculous. If you don't like Halo, go tell people who care...okthenbye1

These people care. Or else this topic wouldn't be almost on it's fifth page. I just speak the facts, people just have to get used to this.

Could you please tell me a game that i could have more fun than having 16 buddies over at a halo lan party??becuase i certinly havnt

Well you must have started gaming with Xbox then. :lol: Like 95% of lemkids.


Stop assmuing things jeez, i acually stared gaming with the nes......but i was only about 7 then, but still why do you think halo is the 9th best game of all time(gamerankings?)

O and im waiting for you to name a game

Anyone who had started gaming before Xbox would know the answer to this.

like you right? because you're SOOOOOOOOOOO hardcore. Name one for us then, we're waiting.
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[QUOTE="theboxmike"][QUOTE="okthenbye1"][QUOTE="pandorax1"]Ridiculous. If you don't like Halo, go tell people who care...okthenbye1
These people care. Or else this topic wouldn't be almost on it's fifth page. I just speak the facts, people just have to get used to this.

Could you please tell me a game that i could have more fun than having 16 buddies over at a halo lan party??becuase i certinly havnt

Well you must have started gaming with Xbox then. :lol: Like 95% of lemkids.

How old are you? I'd LOVE to know. And you didn't answer is question.
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[QUOTE="pandorax1"]Ridiculous. If you don't like Halo, go tell people who care...okthenbye1
These people care. Or else this topic wouldn't be almost on it's fifth page. I just speak the facts, people just have to get used to this.

hahahaha this is so entertaining. I'm just reading all these people totally owning you, and you're just denying the ownage as much as possible. This is going into people's sigs. this is getting really hilarious.
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[QUOTE="Danm_999"][QUOTE="okthenbye1"][QUOTE="Danm_999"][QUOTE="okthenbye1"]Still no-one has touched my points and instead they keep trying to go offtopic. And lmao at someone who really thinks that tail gunner game was the first FPS! :lol:
Points? Points are intelligent thoughts backed up by some sort of evidence. You've said Halo is casual because the Covenant has colourful armour and makes noises.

And for 4 other reasons that people cannot dispute because they are fact.

The only other one I saw was "The AI is crap", with no backup examples or reasoning, when in fact, the AI in Halo is quite good, especially on higher levels and especially from enemies like Elites. GameSpot disagrees with you too, read their Halo 2 review "Halo's gameplay was amazing in that it seamlessly integrated top-notch first-person shooting with incredibly fun third-person vehicular sequences and outstanding friendly and enemy artificial intelligence." Now give me your other points so I can refute them.

GS said those things because of the hype. They overrated the game because of the hype. In reality none of those things are true. Try and lemkid.

Hahahahahahaha Jesus could come down and tell you that the sky is blue and you wouldn't believe him would you? This is SOOOO pathetic.
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[QUOTE="okthenbye1"]Still no-one has touched my points and instead they keep trying to go offtopic. And lmao at someone who really thinks that tail gunner game was the first FPS! :lol:
Points? Points are intelligent thoughts backed up by some sort of evidence. You've said Halo is casual because the Covenant has colourful armour and makes noises.

hahaha pwned.
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[QUOTE="zsc4"]Halo is an excellent game, just admit it. Okay it may not be up to the standard of PC FPS's, but on console its excellent. okthenbye1
It isn't an excellent game for the hardcore, maybe for casual gamers who don't like deep experiences but for us hardcore it simply isn't good enough.

Best FPS on a console will always be Goldeneye 007 which actually catered to the hardcore.

You realize that game had no story, or dialog, right? You just contradicted your self, big time. What other game has a Novel series, and a major motion picture coming, has won many GOTY awards, and has had well over 4 BILLION matches. If that's not hard core I don't know what is. Or is all that just a coincidence?