"to be truly great ,one must taste defeat and rise above it against all odds"
no1 has done more for the industry than mighty nintendo
-holds the guiness book of world record for "most sold pack in videogame to date" (super mario bros 42m )
-holds the guiness book of world record for most copies sold for a stand alone game (17.23 m super mario bros 3)
-creator of the most influential system of all time "gameboy"
-rejuvenated the industry from the videogame crash of 1984
-sold over 2 billion copiesgames as of 2004
-creator of industry icons mario ,metroid ,zelda
-introduced the gamepad
-introduced the analog stick on a gamepad
-introduced the wii-mote
-creator of the ds
-creator of the wii
-gamerankings top 3 titles of all time belongs to nintendo
-nintendo pretty much jump-started 3d-gaming w/ mario 64
-GAMESPOT 2007 goty winner super mario galaxy
p.s nintendo was partly responsible for the birth of it's biggest rival "the playstation family" which can be argued as the most influential system in gaming.
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