KGB32's forum posts
End it now because she's planning on fuc king dudes.Parandrus^This. She obviously intends to get laid there. And women in the military are easy targets for le sex.
Dang, that sucks. I feel for ya.Found out about the Open beta a little late and when went to take it few days ago it said 15gig download. I was close to my download limit so couldn't take it. Bleh.
Sad day. I'm glad I was able to play some of it at least. What was your most surprising class you tried in the beta? Mine was the Monk...which I was playing just now until the server kicked me out. A very fun mesh of magic + melee combat. It may be my first class run when the game releases.
Do you also think they will do 1 more open beta weekend?... like this weekend? It's the last one before May 1st....
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