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Man this thread just went to hell in a handbasket! Everybody just got the wrong idea and started sprouting facts and accusations when all I was looking for was your general opinions.

Much ado about nothing I think. Waaaay to serious. Oh well :)

If it's any consollation, I like Nigerians better than I like the French!

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null and void? Because South Africa = All of Africa? Ok then. Maybe you should change this topic to about how you think South Africa is worthless. Dont clump Africa into one ball simply because you are unhappy about your country. You remind me of sumone..... oh yeah! This guy:

You do realize that if you loathe your people so much, you could always try and apply for a different citizenship, right? And rather than complaining, why not try to do sumthing about it?


I wasn't complaining at all! I was just wondering what other's opinions were. About Africa in general. I admit that my words on Nigeria are harsh but that's based on experience and yes, they're also generalizations. FYI I have worked and/or lived in and/or visited EVERY single southern African country as well as most east African countries except for Somalia. I have a bachelor's in Social Studies and I read up a lot on history, particularly African histor.

Name one single African country that is in a better state since independence from colonialism?

And I don't hate my continent, my country, or my people. I am just looking for outside opinions of Africa.

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[QUOTE="KJPSA"]I was just thinking about it. Africa gives a lot of bad things to the world, like A LOT of diseases, genocides at least once per decade, Somali pirates, loopy dictators, and of course Nigerians. But on the other hand, Africa hardly contributes much to world pollution, is no military threat at all to any other continent and probably never will be due to a lack of finance, knowledge, and technology, and Africa can be one of the best places to go on holiday (at least it is if you go to South Africa or Tanzania) so, do you consider it to be a good thing or a bad thing to have around? I'm still undecided. II_Seraphim_II

TC, have you ever been to South Africa? Just curious, because trust me, if you have actually been to South Africa you will see its not all roses like you think. It has some of the most atrocious crime rates in the world, and the majority black population lives in terrible poverty. Just drive a little out of the "movie star" areas of Capetown and you will see all the Shanty towns...I suggest you research the topic a bit more than come back here and remake your claims.

1. I am a South African.

2. I am Black.

3. The shanty towns in Cape Town were created by the "black" government who bussed those people in from the midlands just to secure the regional vote for the province. This is because most of the "black" population in the Cape Town area were voting for the opposition party who are predominently white and actually have far better policies.

4. Some of the wealthiest people in South Africa are black. The majority of the poor are black because the majority of the whole country are black. By law in SA most companies are not allowed to hire a white person (no matter how skilled) over a black applicant. There are a lot of poverty stricken whites in SA. 

5. The biggest enemy to black people in South Africa is the current government. A black government that is as bad as the previous Apartheid government.

6. The crime rate only soared AFTER Apartheid.

I am a realist my friend. I see how we are here in Africa and the answer is for people to actually make an effort for a change. Everyone seems to complain that the whites did this and the whites did that. But nobody is actually making an effort to better themselves. The rest of the world just eats up the whining rants of lazy people who just want free foreign sympathy while they're screwing each other behind everyone's back.

Your suggestion regarding my research is hereby null and void. 

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It's easy to judge others wholesale from a self righteously elevated position. Easy to condense complicated problems with a myriad of factors down to a level of ignorant judgement. It's also very easy to overlook your own faults and sins, whilst seeing them in others, obviously yours aren't anywhere near as bad because they were cloaked in good intentions.

Point being, the simplification of the vast continent of Africa down to a level of this or that,is down right insulting to Africans and in no way, shape or form in anyway leads to any form of decent discussion.

Now would you like me to bring out a long ass list of what the Europeans and Americans have given and taken from the world, good and bad, or has what I wrote already made that clear, that we all have faults.


Yeah, but this discussion is about AFRICA and your OPINION on whether you think it's generally good or bad. This isn't about Europe or America. Boy was your little speech annoying. Sheesh.

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First of all, i'm Nigerian. Secondly, you are an ignorant RASICT. Good day sir.nonsoville2

I'm not racist. And you have NO idea what nationality (or skin colour) I am. I've just never met a Nigerian who wasn't ignorant, rude, involved in crime, or trying to sell me something stole. I have met many Nigerians by the way. Maybe you are not like that and I agree that I am generalizing about Africa. But that's really what opinions are. Generalizations. 

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Africa is the result of the rest of the world's sins.


I don't think so. The most convincing argument I've read basically says the following:

It's a misconception that Africa was a land of peace etc. before the first settlers arrived. When the Europeans first arrived in Africa the "natives" were predominently involved in tribal wars against each other, were dying of all kinds of diseases and were already subject to severe malnutrition. When the Europeans arrived the Africans just found someone else to fight and blame their woes on.

Today, most of the Europeans have been forced out of Africa, due mainly to the actions of other self-righteous Europeans, and what is going on in Africa? The "natives" are predominently involved in tribal wars against each other, are dying of all kinds of diseases and are subject to severe malnutrition. So what's changed? Africa has just returned to it's original state.

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I was just thinking about it. Africa gives a lot of bad things to the world, like A LOT of diseases, genocides at least once per decade, Somali pirates, loopy dictators, and of course Nigerians. But on the other hand, Africa hardly contributes much to world pollution, is no military threat at all to any other continent and probably never will be due to a lack of finance, knowledge, and technology, and Africa can be one of the best places to go on holiday (at least it is if you go to South Africa or Tanzania) so, do you consider it to be a good thing or a bad thing to have around? I'm still undecided.
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Personally, I feel like crap... i feel sick, have a headache and have sore everything (throat, neck) and my arms and fingers feel all tingly (know the feeling?). I wasn't able to go in to work placement (I am at college) today... you?Ashley_wwe

That's Ebola. My cousin had it yesterday. He died.

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Start your own online dating service like Cupid or Friend Finder where people can view each other's profiles. Even I got duped into paying for a membership on one of those. And don't even laugh, you all know that you've checked them out a few times!

Or you could write some book about how to "Get rock-hard abs in 2 months!" and then sell this "great secret" online. You'll have to spend some money on advertising on other sites, but every sucker out there will probably order one. Especially right before Spring etc. when it's beach time! Don't worry about the book actually being any good, nobody who orders your book is gonna work on their abs for 2 whole months because if they were that dedicated then they wouldn't need your book in the first place. Just place a picture of nice abs on the cover and write "Do some sit-ups you fat mother******" on each page! Just make sure you have a no-refund policy and only sell your book to people in Africa and Europe and Australia where they can't do anything about it when they see how bad your book is. Good idea, huh?