Im looking for a good xbox 360 game that is addicitng and i would like an RPG. I played oblivion and fallout but after playing those for so long i got bored of them. any suggestions?
KNGof210's forum posts
Im looking for a game with decent graphics, free to play, with a good class system, mounts and jobs. Any suggestions?
So this kid keeps provoking me and a bunch of friends by calling us out on facebook, but never to our faces. eventually a lot of my friends went off on him from one of his status's and everyone has been called down to the office for it. Im the only one that got 2 saturday detentions out of everyone else and all i did was curse at him. everyone else did to plus they threatened him! but even so, can the school suspend you or punish you in anyway because your arguing with someone over facebook? i mean if i said i was going to beat him up the next day at school thats one thing. but we didnt say anything like that. nothing took place in school at all. what are your views on this?
Okay im looking for an mmorpg that is free, and downloadable of course. and i would like it to have a class system with a battle/healer if you know what i mean. normally it's like a priest class. but most games i try have really dumb classes and or the game just looks dumb. so nice graphics, and a class like that would be really great. thanks! :D
I need a card that won't let my opponent summon cards in face down defense position and or destroys all my opponents cards that are in face down defense position. thanks!
Okay so my friend used heart of clear water on king pyron and used minimize to lower his attack so it does work. now, i used mystic box to destroy him. i know how it works, but does heart of clear water protect him from mystic box? i need this information ASAP!
Thanks a lot for looking man. This card is seriously driving me crazy, haha
It is an older card. And i am pretty sure it is a spell card or something like that. maybe a trap card. okay i know it's not a monster card, haha.
I already looked. I have no idea what it is haha. I remember what it looked like and that it also made any monster that had an attack of 1300 or lower was invincible as long as this spell card (the one im looking for) is active. the effect was something like that. does that help?
There is a yu gi oh card i used to have and it was an orange raindrop and it looked almost like it was crying or frowning. does anyone know what this card is called!? i think it had tear or tears in it's name but im not sure. i could be totally wrong about the name haha
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