OH! the reason it didnt work thats right. ok it didnt work because like you said, its green and not blue. it was green because you were wearing a ring, or a piece of clothing or something that raised your restoration level. when you do that it dosnt raise your level so you can cast higher level spells. i dont think it really does anything. but if instead it raised something like strength, it would make you stronger. so lets say you have 50 strength just from leveling and stuff. nothing equiped to you improves your strength right now. then, you put on a ring that increases your strength by 5. now your strength is green and it says strength: 55. your strength is still 50, but you would cause physical damage as if it was 55 until you take off that ring. do you understand now?
you can do a few things. buy the spell as a scroll from a store. ( i actually think that there is a scroll for it in a box or on a desk around where the pillars are. its in like, a small room right next to it. i think though im not positive.) spam any random restoration spell to level it up until you get to 50. or you can try to find a restoration teacher to raise it up to 5 more levels. that costs money though. i recommend spamming it or buying the scroll. i spam resotration spells sometimes for the same reason.
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