Hmm, the 360's lineup this fall looks irresistable but if you think you could stomach it, it wouldn't be a bad idea to wait until the new 360's with the 65 nm chips start coming out. If you think there are enough Wii games to justify a purchase, then go ahead.EazyB
Thats what I was thinking about. I see myself picking up Ledgend of Zelda and Metroid 3, plus Smash Bro's Brawl to keep me busy.
Like the title suggests, my apartment was broken into recently and my 360 was stolen along with the controlers and my Bio Shock. I do have quite a few games for the 360 left, butI have played them all. The only other thingI see myself really wanting this year for a 360 would have been Mass Effect. So, what I wanted to get opinions from some people is should I go purchase another 360 or possibly get a Wii? I liked my 360 alot andI do see myself getting another one down the road no matter what. But for now what do you think, get another 360 now or try something new like Wii?
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