Kaihato's forum posts
He's tiny and doesn't get shot as easy. Hust like why no one plays as cole...besides the fact that gamers are all racist! :DMecamattWhat the hell? Dude, thats not cool. No one said you could speak for me.
That was pretty dumb.You shoulda waited till you got your 360.What was your Gamertag?booomer69
Lol, the dude said I should have no problem creating it on my 360 tomorrow, using the same gamertag. And if I do I should just call and they'll help me further.
Okay, I think I just screwed up royaly on my GamerTag.
So I'm getting a Xbox 360 tomorrow, going to get a gold membership and all, yadayada. Well. I went to xbox.com to create a gamer card ahead of time, I logged into my passport... put in my gamer tag I'm going to create tomorrow, selected my playstyle or what ever and clicked next.
Well, after I clicked next, firefox froze and I had to close it. Now, I went back to xbox.com and went back to the creation page, and it says my GamerTag is in use... now I'm really pissed off that I wont be able to use that tag... and that I wont be able to have a gamer card. I'm hoping customer support can help me with this in 20 mins. Has this happened to anyone else?
I'm getting my xbox360 on monday, I'm not waiting for the elite.
I don't even have a HD tv as it is right now so I don't care. And the xbox360 looks god damn amazing as it is on a regular HDTV, HDMI must not be THAT much of a dramatical increase on the awesome visuals that is already here.
I'm going to get a few months of xbox live, and now how does it work? Because I'm afraid if I create my gamertag on my xbox, and then go over to his house and log on, It wont upload my achievements over there!
Am I going to have to log on xbox live at his house, upload the achivements and such, then go to my house and retrieve my tag? I just don't want to screw up my current achievements :(.
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