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Kanenite_UK Blog

A bit bored...

Aye, most of the UK is on strike over pensions or something, so I've got no school today. Me and some of my e-chums just ripped into this one fella', it was great. The guy is a right doughnut.

To make this remotely worthwhile, I'll just give my thoughts on the next Spiderman film. Yeah, I can't wait. I'm a huge Spiderman mark, ever since I was about 2 or 3. The films are really well done, and it's a shame he's only planned to do these. I've seen screenshots of Venom, and he looks quite decent, actually. More to the point, though, Spiderman 3 on PS3, that's bound to be good! The last one, quite frankly, owned. Should be interesting if they even do anything with the symbiote (black) suit in the game.

A few more points (if anyone actually cares), I should be updating more of my amazing (lol!) games collection and all that fo' sizzle Can't wait for Subsistence to hit the UK, I want it. That reminds me, I desperately need online...

- Kanenite.

Wrestlemania 22... Is it going to blow "Big Time"?

As some of you rasslin' fans may or may not realise, it's 7 days away from 'Mania. But in my opinion, the card isn't that strong. Lets look at the card match by match, and way up some pros and cons...

The main event, Cena vs HHH. This is one of the few matches with potential. HHH generally makes his opponents look good in the "Squared Circle" and Cena doesn't do a bad job either. Although WWE hasn't really hyped this match as much as they could. The Game has just wimped off practically everytime he comes face to face with Cena. I can understand that it protects the match and general status of the match, but it's just lacking in build up. I dunno, it could turn out spectacular. Maybe a Cena heel turn in the works? We'll see.

Angle vs Orton vs Mysterio is one I'm personally looking forward to. Angle is uncanny to anyone, his wrestling ability is to that of an olympian... wait, bad example. Anyway, I can see Mysterio pulling off an upset here. Unlike the other main event, this one has been hyped up nicely. Yes, Randy Orton got unneccessary heat by bashing the late Eddie Guerrero (RIP), but the whole build up to it was good. I'd like to see Angle retain, but I can see a formidable title change. I can see this being a match of the night candidate.

Michaels vs McMahon... I'd like to think this'll be great, but it's likely to be Vince pretty much brawling, well, depending on his fitness (I guess it's an indicator how his match against Cena goes this Monday Night on Raw). Shane will most likely get involved, maybe a beatdown on Michaels and have someone come in for the save. On the positive side, Michaels is an awesome performer, and could save the match (since Vince isn't really a wrestler, and has no real ring skills apart from what he's picked up, I gather).

Money in the Bank is going to be (well, I hope it's going to be) amazing. I doubt it'll be as good as last year's (lack of Jericho for one), but it'll still be good. RVD, Hardy and Benjamin are in their element in this type of match. Finlay is boring the hell outta me right now, so that's a negative. Lashley, I think, will be a real asset to the match, hopefully the power and speed contrast will work well in a ladder match. In all honesty, I'm not sure about Flair. I think it might go well for him, or really badly. Saying that, I predict Flair wins it and later has one last looking for the World title bringing his total to 17 (most likely then losing it later on to the "Project Get HHH More Title Runs").

Mark Henry vs Undertaker won't be good. Henry is complete pants, to be frank. He can't wrestle, and as soon as Summer 2006 comes (contract ends), he'll be gone most likely. They also better not end 'Taker's Wrestlemania score, otherwise there'll be hell to pay for sure.

Edge vs Mick Foley should be excellent. Foley is my favourite wrestler, so I am biased. Both are good in the hardcore environment, so I'm definately looking forward to this one. Another pro of the night.

Benoit vs JBL is going to mediocore, I suspect. Benoit is a great wrestler, although he lacks charisma. It'll probably be the night's opener, and it seems to be thrown together at the last minute. They haven't really interacted with each other in the past 2 months or so, the match has no back story or anything (apart from Benoit breaking JBL's hand. WHOOP-DE-DOO). If it is good, however, it'll be overlooked by the substantial main events.

Kane & Big Show vs Carlito and Masters would've made sense 3 months ago, but this another match was thrown together. It'll be decent though, as normally tag matches are.

Trish vs Mickie is actually been put together quite nicely with the "I love Trish" Mickie, then the "OMG I H8 U" Mickie. The kidnapping of Ashley was brilliant, great segment. She also plays the physco pretty well. Trish also does well in the ring, as does Mickie. I can see this being overlooked too, as this has a lot of potential.

Boogeyman vs Booker T and Sharmell is going to be decent. It's alright match, if you're going to be in the mid-card of Smackdown. It's hardly Wrestlemania caliber.

Torrie vs Candice will be laughable, to say the least. It's just more eyecandy, and it'll be a case of the "blind leading the blind". Seriously, get yourself a sandwich during this one.

To conclude, some of the matches do have potential, and will be good. But there are only a select few which scream "Wrestlemania!" at you. Remember Rock vs Hogan at Wrestlemania X8? That practically kicked you between the legs it was so special, JBL vs Benoit doesn't really do that, nor does HHH vs Cena. Athough I could be completely wrong, and it could turn out fantastic, but doesn't look that way on paper. We'll have to wait and see.

Thanks for reading, folks.

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