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#1 Kantroce
Member since 2006 • 533 Posts


It would appear because a majority of console gamers might be stupid.

Well, maybe not stupid but really caught up in the whole plug and play thing and completely befuddled by technology...stupid.

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#2 Kantroce
Member since 2006 • 533 Posts
There are certain classes in that game that are quite disgusting in the right hands. Soldier and Sniper being the main ones.
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#3 Kantroce
Member since 2006 • 533 Posts

Seriously, I think that any guy who is bothered or feels that his masculinity is threatened by playing a female character in a video game clearly has some insecurity issues. If it is some sort of Barbie game or whatever, then I can see your point. However, if it is a character like Rynn in Drakan: The Ancient's Gates or Lara Croft in Tomb Raider, then what is the problem?

I would argue that people who feel uncomfortable staring at a male character from behind are even more insecure.
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#4 Kantroce
Member since 2006 • 533 Posts

ok here are the specs.

motherboard dfi lan party mr2sh

Cpu athlon II 620 quadcore Oced to 3.4ghz

ati radeon 5870 crossfire

8gb of ram

cosair 850 watts powersupply

all in an antec 1200

Dunno if this has been brought up at all (this thread is huge) but that quadcore would bottleneck the living crap out of 2 5870s running in crossfire.
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#5 Kantroce
Member since 2006 • 533 Posts
I'm okay with being a niche, I'm okay with consoles taking up a majority of the market share, I'm okay with all of that. What I do want is for consoles to leave our damned niche alone. I like PC for what it is, regardless of the points it wins or loses on System Wars.
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#6 Kantroce
Member since 2006 • 533 Posts

[QUOTE="meankilleR"]I moded for media center but would play pre released games to see if I like it to buy it ifI dont I deleted it if I liked it i deleted it and bought the copy.AppleBlade
I still consider you a pirate.

It's a damned good thing that neither him nor anyone else care what you consider or think about some person you don't even know. Maybe he'll post back after your crushing verdict when he can't sleep tonight because of it.

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#7 Kantroce
Member since 2006 • 533 Posts
[QUOTE="ManicAce"]Everybody knew this would happen, or at least they should have. The sales don't come from the "enthusiast PC community" but the "casual console community."Vadamee
I thought 'hardcore PC gamers' didn't play casual trash like Call of Duty. I like how the console gamers are called casuals yet the alleged 'hardcore PC gamers' will play the same game; Just another case of double-standard hypocrisy. I'm so glad MW2 has broken sales records because those same PC elitist look down on their console brethren, yet they expect a backing from those same people that you shun? I cannot being to describe the self-centered attitude coming from the hermit community. 'Because I don't like this game, you shouldn't either.' Fat, basement-dwelling, anti-social loser hypocrites.

Project much?
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#8 Kantroce
Member since 2006 • 533 Posts
I doubt many of those are PC preorders. Not many PC gamers preorder and even less preorder from Gamestop. They have such a tiny shelf for PC games. It'll still sell a ton and all that, regardless of people who are not buying it because of a lack of dedicated servers.
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#9 Kantroce
Member since 2006 • 533 Posts
Polish scores and sells well, not innovation. Considering most people posting here have the vocabulary understanding of an ox going through pregnancy contractions, many times innovation, popularity, and personal preference are confused. To make the world a better place: http://dictionary.reference.com/ Thanks.
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#10 Kantroce
Member since 2006 • 533 Posts

People are free to make demands on a developer (this includes a boycott) and the developer is free to ignore them. There is a reason that companies who listen to their consumers do well, and those that don't, usually end up going bankrupt. IW is keeping up demands with their true consumer (console gamers) and shouldn't be too affected by this boycott or any sufferings on the PC platform.

I just don't understand how the TC can be so dense about boycotts. When people are passionate about something, they tend to react passionately to things that happen to whatever they feel strongly about. He uses some really lame arguments like, "they had to spend lots of money to create this game" or "they have to make enough money to pay their employees".

So first off, you have no clue about the financials of MW2, so stop trying to make a point by pointing out that other people don't know. Secondly, stop projecting yourself on people by saying, "Sounds like you're jealous that they have the talent to..." because, quite frankly, it makes you sound like a douche. Thirdly, IW is as entitled to try and get everything in the world out of their product when they put it on the market, but because the market isn't an excel sheet (doesn't function in a vacuum) they risk pushing too far and getting a backlash. What you're seeing is that backlash, and this includes boycotts. I seriously doubt the accountants at IW sent an email to the CEO informing him that the only way IW employees would get their paychecks cashed is if they bumped the cost of the game up 10 dollars.

And to everyone else, please just stop assuming that everything a company does has some kind of justification. No matter how much you like their product, the company (company in the general sense, not just IW) is not in existence to be nice to you. They are trying to seperate your money from you; it's the entire reason they exist in the first place. Sometimes, companies make decisions to remove more money from you, because that's what they do. It doesn't always cover extra costs, and it doesn't always make sense from your point of view, so stop acting like it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go donate some cans of soup to IW's food drive so those poor bastards that work there can get something warm to eat.