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#1 KaotiK_un_basic
Member since 2002 • 2128 Posts

discs for me. i like to feel i own something.

forget digital. if they're charging the same price; i'm making the publisher pay for a disk, case, and manual/covers.

i find it ridiculous there's no digital discount. the publisher spends much less money there. why should they make more? (maybe if developers saw the extra, but not publishers ;-) )

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#2 KaotiK_un_basic
Member since 2002 • 2128 Posts

i'm pretty sure i know where my xbox is heading, but i'm curious what others have to say.

i have an old 360 (2007) that was getting loud, so i decided to clean it (it's well past warranty ;))

it was quite dirty, but i swear the fans seem almost louder now than they were before (quite confident the shroud and everything else is sitting correctly)

weird thing is; it doesn't feel THAT hot, and doesn't get loud if i play arcade games, only retail games (and i've tried installing them with no change)

that's what confuses me. dashboard, movie watching, arcade; no worries. but a game.. i can't play more than half hour before it's too annoying and gets turned off.

pretty sure she's on her last legs, but do you think there could be something else i've overlooked? (would really like a few more months with it; kind of late to buy another 360)

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#3 KaotiK_un_basic
Member since 2002 • 2128 Posts

kind of..

she's working, but i think she's on her last legs ;)

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#4 KaotiK_un_basic
Member since 2002 • 2128 Posts
still have a few to get to; far cry 3 dishonored bioshock 3 GTA 5 splinter cell tomb raider ..might get the next cod.. dunno if i really want anything multi-generation though (did with battlefield on xbox and 360 though; bought it twice)
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#5 KaotiK_un_basic
Member since 2002 • 2128 Posts
Bioshock Red dead redemption orange box left 4 dead - so simple, so addicting cod 4 GTA 4 assassins creed 2 dead space 8.. stretch for 10
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#6 KaotiK_un_basic
Member since 2002 • 2128 Posts
think they're quiet, because sadly; i don't expect it to work as peachy as we all hope. doesn't make sense, and seems to contradict all these new policies they're putting in place and taking heat for (actually seems like it'd be worse for sales than people being able to lend friends games or sell them on ebay.) kind of a bummer that the best feature is one we have so few details on though *maybe that's why :-(
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#7 KaotiK_un_basic
Member since 2002 • 2128 Posts
hate that sentiment, it should bother you carnage. whether you use/have those features or not, it should bother you that you're losing those options for no gain or reason at the very least. i'm not satisfied.. they basically told me they don't trust me (internet check) are going to limit my options on what i do with things i paid for. (can't even lend my brother a game?) the console looks like a old VCR (don't honestly care how it looks though) and they've not shown much for games or anything gamers should care about yet. oh and exclusives, always a bad taste in my mouth.. cause xbox exclusives don't usually interest me, while sony usually have some good exclusives making me wish i could play some. hey you asked if i was satisfied pre-e3, that's the facts. they've shown nothing good IMO (and much bad) there's really nothing to be impressed about so far IMO.
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#8 KaotiK_un_basic
Member since 2002 • 2128 Posts

it's funny you know. always thought/heard the big deal with used games was places like ebgames/gamestop making cash off them. 

..with xbox's talk of tading games at "participating retailers", it's blatantly obvious that isn't the case.  they don't want us having any choice/control with what we do with our games when we finish them. 

ebgames/gamespot will likely participate.. so the only loss for the used game market is personal stuff; ebay and the like. pretty obvious we're their target. so the only thing you can do with your games when finished is give them to a friend, or get what they decide to give you at a participating retailer.

i could understand if games weren't doing well.. but it's one of the biggest entertainment markets right now, with AAA titles selling millions.


such a slap in the face (all of what they've announce so far is, really)  "you supported us, made us big.. thanks. but now we're gonna treat you all like criminals, checking up on you, and not give you choices on what to do with your spent collection"  (thats another thing, i usually sell my old console+collection to help pay for the new one.. i guess with these implementaions, that wont really be possible with the xbox1. unless i sell my gamertag with it (or the games and everything will be useless for whever buys it))


i hope people will stand against supporting this. and if not, you all deserve what's coming next generation.  (maybe not allowing others to play your games with you at your house? seing as they mention they allow you to do that as a selling point for the xbox1 (which was comical to me they announced it like it's some new feature or somethng we didn't expect) )

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#9 KaotiK_un_basic
Member since 2002 • 2128 Posts
with the news of the xbox1, i've been reminiscing lately too. thinking where gaming was when i started, and where it is now (and where it looks to be going) ..it's very depressing. hard to believe i once saw developers freely creating/releasing extra content for their supporters. then we got high priced/low value DLC and online passes..and now xbox1. horrible road we're heading down IMO, and i can't believe everybody doesn't see it. (baffled at the support/defense of xbox1) if it all holds true, and gamers don't stick to their morals and revolt (why accept this? i admit, it's doable.. but it's such a slap in the face to us. who supported them and allowed gaming to grow so big) i'm reluctantly out for this gen. i'm really holding faint hope this fails, gamers will stay sdtrong and not be fooled (but i know that wont be the case :( ) ..sucks, as for me it's xbox or nothing. (and right now it's looking like nothing)
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#10 KaotiK_un_basic
Member since 2002 • 2128 Posts
yup. stood against DLC (by myself it seemed) to my own detriment.. will not support these moves at all. i really hope others who say the same and cause some ripples, hold to that.. cause this is ridiculous, but i don't want to skip this generation. i can't even lend a friend/brother a game?.. have to give it to him, or he must buy his own? so do i own anything? or just giving you money to use this untill you say enough? ..i fear where this will lead next. if this goes through and these worse than crack-head gamers accept this blatant slap-in-the-face, i think my gaming days are done :(